Sat, Oct 20 - Sun, Oct 21 2018

The Gyaan Hub,

Mumbai, Maharashtra, India Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

  • About the event

    The GYAAN HUB is a program that will do just that has the following 6 genres
    spread over 2 days:

    DAY 1:
    1.Talent Management
    2.Learning & Development
    3.Digital Marketing

    4.Education (Academics)
    5.Mental Mapping
    6.Story Telling

    Why should you sponsor?

    Advertising, and advertising it right is our top priority and we are all in for it! To enhance the brand identity we shall hit the social media through various channels like :

    • Official Website
    • Facebook Page
    • Townscript Partnership
    • LinkedIn Account
    • Official YouTube Channel
    • Twitter Handle
    • Official Whatsapp
    • Official E-Mail
    • Instagram Handle and a few other platforms.

    This shall include paid promotions by means of Digital Marketing, targeting to capture the right audience.

    In order to roll out physical/tangible promotions, a series of leaflets shall be circulated along with the newspapers or in busy neighbourhoods

    Pranavesh Shenoy

    About L&D Global:
    L&D Global is a platform for L&D & HR practitioners to grow and network in their own fraternity and developing a community of like-minded, highly informed and engaged. It has his own Chapters wide spread across India with a stint of successful 6 years

    Pranavesh Shenoy- Chapter Director heading the Fraternity Chapter for almost an year, with a vision to collaborate, co-create & Contirbute some education development to the Indian Soceity. And to build a platform for all L&D & Non-L&D Professional to meet and network with great learnings

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 51-100 attendees expected

    60% Male Attendees

    40% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

3 available packages from US$499 to US$1450

Title Sponsor

Your Brand will be Known as "Title Sponsor" Brand Presence across all Social Media and Shoutouts 1 Free 4*4 stall during the 2-day Event 1 Express value Pass (During the event) Your Branding Banner (C Type) at the Backdrop 2 Standees Your Logo on Hashtags cuttings

1 available

Platinum Package

Titled as "Platinum Sponsor" Social Media Presence Logo on Flyers and Brochures 1 Day Value Pass 4 Standees (2 Dining Area + 2 Event Area)

5 available

Gold Package

Social Media Presence Logo on Flyers and Brochures 2 Standees (1 Dining Area + 1 Event Area)

10 available

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