Sat, Dec 24 2016

Gospel Celebration,

Evanston Township High School, Evanston, Illinois, United States Evanston Township High School, Evanston, Illinois, United States

  • About the event

    The first Gospel Celebration Concert was in 2007.  Over the years the concerts have been a success.   The turnout of supporters has been great, and the energy of the people will be in my mind for a  very long time.

    We have had some great artists on board including Papa San, Stitchie, Judy Mowatt, Shirley Wilis, Claudelle Clarke, Robert & Jenieve Bailey and more.

    Gospel Celebration supports the Ann and Robert Laurie's Children Memorial Hospital (Chicago). and Sir John Golden Rehabilitation Center (Jamaica) with a percentage of profit from the annual concert.

    Why should you sponsor?

    We would like to take the Gospel Celebration Concerts to the next level; greater promotions to captivate a wider audience; better location; more renown performers; yielding greater monetary and gift donations  to our charity receipients.

    As a sponsor, this would mean a greater number of people for your promotions.

    We hope that you will consider joining us in making the Gospel Celebration Concert of 2017 and future events more successful.

    Maureen Manard

    I started out my ministry doing what I love to do; singing.
    In June of 2007,  I though about doing fundraising, not knowing what I'm doing, but I knew that I needed to give back to this great hospital, Ann and Robert Lurie's Children's Memorial Hospital, that God had  led me to, who offered care for my son's.  Andre was diagnosed with Kawasaki disease at 3 months old in 1995.  In 2002, Matthew was born prematurely at 29 weeks, and needed to be trached and has required multiple operation since, and was also diagnosed with short gut syndrom.   
    Today Andre, 21, is in college and wants to be a doctor.  He has learned how to cope with his disease and is doing well.  Matthew is still going through surgeries to reconstruct his airway and hopefully be able to remove the trach someday.
    I know how good it feels to give back and it was especially meaningful when I had received such remarkable care through the years.
    Giving back has become very important part of my ministry.
    Since 2007, I have been giving donations to Ann and Robert Lurie's Children's Memorial, even if I don't make a profit from an event.
    I have been sponsoring each event from my own income, which has been difficult being a single mom with two son who are patients of Ann and Robert Lurie's Children's Memorial Hospital for their life-threatening  medical conditions which they have had from infancy.  
    In 2014, I also started to make gift packages of toys and clothes for Christmas to the Sir John Golding Rehabilitation Centre for the physically and mentally impaired in Kingston, Jamaica partnering with Love 101 FM (Jamaica).
    This year Gospel Celebration was formed as a non-profit organization to spearhead all future fundraising events.

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 501-1000 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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3 available packages from US$2500 to US$10000


4 available

Gold Package

4 available

Silver Package

4 available

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