Fri, Dec 29 2023


Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
One Sponsor Confirmed

  • About the event

    MISSION ELIXIR presents ELIXIR Live an global event encompassing talks and performances with guest speakers from various areas of life, industries and countries. A networking event with live talks. Network with individuals and speakers. Investors, Influencers, media and entrepreneurs. Build connections, and join us for New Year 2024.

    Every ticket sold contributes towards saving lives.

    Social Impact

    MISSION ELIXIR's social mission is to save as many lives as possible that have been impacted by mental health and prevent suicides from occurring, in addition to extending a helping hand to indivisuals who have been severly impacted mental health by war situations around the world.

    Please see attached booklet for more information.

    Why should you sponsor?

    ELIXIR Live event would reach a large global audience, if your looking to market your brand globally and also support our social cause. Furthurmore, it porvides businesses an opportunity to find investment, collaborations and more!

    Devansh Sood

    MISSION ELIXIR is a brand by SILVERSEVEN, an venture builder, management and social impact firm based in India. With various initiatives and a strong backing.

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 501-1000 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

  • File
    MISSION ELIXIR Booklet.pdf Download
    MISSION ELIXIR Leaflet 13-08-2023.pdf Download

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Select a Package

8 available packages from US$500 to US$14000

Tittle Sponsor

Branding On-Stage Prominent Logo on Banners and Posters Mention on International Media Promotion on Social Media Distribute samples / booklets to all attendees Live Stream Global Prominent Mention and Ads Playback Stage Time During Event Stall Space (Large and Prominent Location) Ads Time At Networking Hall Shoutout by Celebrity Guest Dedicated Press Release

1 available

In Kind
Social Cause Collaborator

Collaboration in regards to MISSION ELIXIR Social Cause, which is Suicide Prevention and Mental Health.

3 available

Logo on Global Media

Logo Presented in Global Live Stream

3 available

Logo on Branding At Venue

Branding at venue - Standees - Posters - Banners - Stall Space

5 available

Stall Space

Stall Space at The Venue

5 available

Shoutout on Social Media

Shoutout on Our Social Media Platforms

10 available

Gold Package

Branding On-Stage Logo on Banners and Posters Mention on International Media Promotion on Social Media Distribute samples / booklets to all attendees Live Stream Global Prominent Mention and Ads Playback Stage Time During Event Stall Space (Large)

1 available

Silver Package

Branding On-Stage Logo on Banners and Posters Mention on International Media Promotion on Social Media Distribute samples / booklets to all attendees Live Stream Global Prominent Mention and Ads Playback Stage Time During Event Stall Space

1 available

Confirmed Sponsors

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