Join us for an exclusive cybersecurity networking event. Our cybersecurity networking meetup provides an exclusive opportunity for professionals to connect, share insights, and explore the latest trends in the field. This intimate gathering is designed to foster meaningful conversations and collaborations among a select group of attendees.
Why Sponsor?
I'm a Cybersecurity Entrepreneur looking to empower humanity by changing the cyber job seeking and recruitment landscape.
I've been on both sides of the coin. As a jobseeker, I got tired of applying to job at every employer & job board you could ever imagine, and as a recruiter, I came across many applicants that weren't qualified. So, I completely understand the frustration of the hiring landscape. That's why I'm hopeful my new project MyTurn can solve my problem and everyone else's. It's definitely an undertaking, but if I do it right...who knows, it might end up helping more candidates getting hired.
Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer1 available packages from In Kind to give brief opening remarks. Vendor recognition during the event. Opportunity to provide branded materials (flyers, brochures) or giveaways at the event. Social media mentions before, during, and after the event.
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