Fri, May 18 2018

Congenital Heart Gala,

Waldorf Astoria Orlando, Orlando, Florida, United States Waldorf Astoria Orlando, Orlando, Florida, United States

  • About the event

    I hope all is well and that you had a great weekend. I am reaching out in regards to a cause near and dear to my heart. My lifelong, and closest friend, Allie is now a mom to the most scrumptious little girl, Emersynn. Emersynn was born with a Congenital Heart Defect.

    February is American Heart Month. CHD is the leading cause of death among children and it is extremely underfunded. In recent months, while juggling being a working mom, Allie has spent an impressive amount of time getting involved with the American Heart Association and the Pediatric Congenital Heart Association. So much so, that in April her daughter will be honored as Survivor of the year and in May, Allie will be the recipient of the Heart Hero award. 

    Currently, Allie is volunteering to help find sponsors and auction donations for the event in May. If you or your company would be interested in sponsoring or donating an item for the auction, please let me know. 

    Please do not hesitate to pass this message along to anyone you feel could be interested as well. 

    Thanks so much for your time and have a great week!

    Why should you sponsor?

    You'll be helping so many little ones fights to beat the odds!

    Samantha DiBenedetto

    Hi there,

    My name is Samantha and I am the aunt of an adorbale, delicious, Heart Warrior. Please help us raise awarness and funds for future generations of families with CHD. 


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  • 1-50 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

3 available packages from US$2000 to US$10000

Gold Package

Table for ten at the event.

3 available

Silver Package

Table for 10 at the event.

3 available

Silver Package

Table for 10 at the event.

3 available

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