The WHIW 101.3 FM Battle of the Bands will take place on April 21 . Our goal is to raise $10,000 to help keep WHIW on the airwaves. In order to meet this goal, we are asking for sponsorships from businesses and individuals such as yourself.
By giving to this event you'll be supporting WHIW and helping us provide quality programming to those in our listening community. We ask that you consider a sponsorship donation of $500 or you may donate an item of equal value to the contest to be used as prizes for our winners and entrants. Your donation will be recognized at our event in several ways. As a sponsor, your name will be placed on all materials that publicize the event as well as announced verbally at the event itself. It will also run in on-air sponsorship acknowledgements for the contest and in live reads promotion of the event. Your advertisement (large 359pix wide X 201pix height), plus a link to your website will also appear on the WHIW Battle of the Bands website page and on the rotating sponsor image on our home page.
If you would like to donate another amount in order to help us reach our goal, we would be happy to work with you to make sure that your sponsorship information is promoted appropriately. We hope that we can count on you to help support our station.
Thanks in advance for your consideration and generosity!
Cory Lockwood
Event Coordinator - WHIW 101.3FM
This event is close to my heart as I have been an active volunteer at my radio station for the last 9 years. The event I started to advertise on Jan 16, 2018 and since then the event has been viewed by 8500 people. I expect the entire residents of all of our county in attendance at one point or another. Some for watching their favorite bands rock the stage. Some to bid on our extensive and exciting prizes in our silent auction. The county has been so responsive I wanted to reach out to further sponsors so that i can return to them above and beyond a fun event they will never forget.
I do know one of my goals is skylights and would love a sponsor to help us achieve this fun addition to our show to highlight the way for as many people as possible to get to us. I would love to display a generous sponsors information above or on the spotlights themselves. Of course throughout the event we will be giving special thanks to our sponsors and highlighting them repeatedly throughout the day. Along with the radio promotions listed in the sponsorship packages. I believe this event is a promotional treasure for anyone who would like to be a part of our rocking day! We would be honored to have anyone reach this goal so that we may continue our programming and internships for young broadcasters and give volunteers the dream of becoming a radio host/hostess.
Thank you very much for your time.
I have been a active volunteer of Harvard Community Radio for nine years. I have developed many different programs for airtime and I have succeeded in 2 shows that highlight as two of the top-rated shows on our station. I thoroughly enjoy the volunteers I work beside every day and we all work together as a family unit to build this station to include more viewers and listeners. Currently our shows are viewed all the way to singapore and numerous other cities and continents around the world. I have been honored to be asked to lead this event to achieve this goal for all of us and I have had nothign but support everywhere i turn. I look forward to showing as many people our station and to highlight sponsors as we can possibly rock.
Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer2 available packages from US$500 Benefits include: -- Logo + business information on our distributed promotional poster ( limited time offer) -- Logo and Business info on our Battle of the bands homepage with direct link to you. -- On-air promotions from date of sponsorship until the event -- Sponsor acknowledgement and gratitude announcements all day of the event. -- WHIW 101.3FM is a not-for-profit radio station and we supply all paperwork to you for your generous donation. -
6 available
Silent Auction Donations: -- Not - for - profit donation will be accepted with all paperwork you need for your charity donation write - off. --Special itemized promotions during the event --radio promotions from items we receive in the the silent auction --depending on the value - website localization with your donated item for the silent auction -- Items accepted range from gift certificates + gift baskets + celebrity autographs + etc. Donations of any value are accepted. Thank you.
10 available