Fri, Dec 02 - Sun, Dec 04 2022

ARTLanta: Now in Color Group Exhibition,

Atlanta, Georgia, United States Atlanta, Georgia, United States

  • About the event

    ARTLanta is putting on their first group art exhibition  during the holidy season. This will include 5-8 talented artists showing and selling their art and creations to people in the atlanta area. This will be a 3 day event from Friday - Sunday.

    Why should you sponsor?

    We REALLY want to grow our presence in the city and put on this show 2 times a year to create a greap reputation for outselves and the artists we love to show off to the world. A sponsor would help growth become so much easier and allow us to do things we need in order to make out events successful 

    Maurice Ligon II

    I am the creator of ARTLanta, but I have been a creator and artist for the past 5 years. My day job is as an IT Administrator for a law firm in Atlanta, and creating and building is what i do for the rest of the day. I've always wanted to create a space for artists to have more opportunities to get their works show. From music, to art, to film, etc.

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  • 101-250 attendees expected

    46% Male Attendees

    54% Female Attendees

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3 available packages from US$100 to US$500


10 available

Logo on Flyer

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In Kind
Drink Sponsor

10 available

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