Wed, Apr 01 2020

2020 USA National Counting Bee™,

Chicago, Illinois, United States Chicago, Illinois, United States

  • About the event

    The 2020 USA National Counting Bee™ is a STEM competition open for K-12 students at all public, private, charter, and home schools in the United States.

    The Counting Bee™ is an annual, fast-paced, and exciting competition in which contestants are asked to calculate a broad selection of skip-counting patterns with a varying degree of difficulty.


    Why should you sponsor?

    The Counting Bee™ is a contest designed to encourage the teaching of mental math exercises in the classroom, spark student's interest in number patterns, and increase awareness of numeracy.

    I am hoping you will consider helping us celebrate the top mathletes in each age group.

    Scott Flansburg

    I am known as The Human Calculator™. I have been in the Guinness Book of World Records as the 'fastest human calculator' since 2001. My tv show 'The Human Calculator' airs on The History Channel International. I am a best selling author and perform at schools and businesses around the world. 

    I have appeared on Oprah, Ellen, The Tonight Show, Good Morning America, Stan Lee's Superhumans, and many more.

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 1001-2500 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

3 available packages from US$25000 to US$100000

Title Sponsor

1 available

Gold Package

2 available

Silver Package

2 available

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