Sat, Apr 11 2015

2015 MOMENTUM eCommerce - Internet Marketing Conference,

Baltimore, MD, United States Baltimore, MD, United States

  • About the event

    Join Us at Baltimore's Inner Harbor on April 11, 2015
    for a One-Day Online Sellers Event.
    Special Guest Presenters

    Chris Green Hustle - How 2015 is the Year that You Can Do ANYTHING Online and Make Money
    Deirdre Harter Financial Intel for Sellers - What you don't know CAN hurt you
    Stephen Peterson eBay as a destination for Amazon returns
    Andy Slamans The Private Label Revolution and how YOU can be a part of it

    Come and hang out with some of the top leaders in the eCommerce Industry. Topics that matter - relationships that last
    CONFERENCE SCHEDULE: 7:30 Registration Begins
    8:00  Breakfast served
    9:00 Opening Kickoff, Announcements, Door Prizes
    9:30 Chris Green: How 2015 is the Year that You Can Do ANYTHING Online and Make Money
    10:45 Stephen Peterson: How eBay can be a destination for your Amazon returns, and how to scale it
    12:00 Lunch Served
    1:00 Door Prizes
    1:15 Deirdre Harter: Financial Intel for Sellers 
    2:30 Andy Slamans: The Private Label Revolution
    3:45 Roundtable Discussion with the Experts: 
    4:45 Wrap-up and Closing Remarks 

    Chris Green    Chris is the co-founder of ScanPower, the complete all-in-one solution for FBA sellers, as well as the author of Arbitrage and Online Arbitrage. Both books reached the rank of number one in Business Books on Amazon, with Online Arbitrage, Chris's latest ($300) book, breaking into the top 1000 of all books. Chris is highly sought after as a speaker at conferences across the country. 

    Deirdre Harter
    Deirdre earned a B.A. in Accounting with a minor in marketing. She started selling on eBay and Amazon in 2011 with an initial investment of $300. After only two years, she retired early from her 20+ year public accounting profession to run her online business full-time. Deirdre has created a highly personalized, one-on-one coaching program to assist FBA sellers achieve MASSIVE GROWTH in the SHORTEST amount of time, while EASILY overcoming challenges and obstacles, both in business and in their personal lives. Her Accounting and eCommerce background makes her highly qualified to speak on the topic of business finances for internet sellers.

    Stephen Peterson

    Stephen has been an eBay seller since 2004 and an Amazon seller since 2010, adding FBA to the mix in 2011. He and his wife Donna operate their part-time business from a small warehouse in Pennsylvania. They currently have over 12000 skus available for purchase online. Stephen has developed working strategies for using VAs, both foreign and domestic, in your online business.

    Andy Slamans
    Andy has consistently sold $40K of his own branded products on Amazon every month. His Private Label Course, Alibaba to Amazon, is the premiere training course for sellers, teaching and walking you through each step from product selection and creation, to importing, to getting your product on the first page on Amazon. Andy's course was quickly filled to capacity with over 240 members and currently has an extensive waiting list.   Register EARLY!!
    The special earlybird rate of $99 is ONLY available for a short time longer. After that, the price will increase to $149. Limit 2 tickets per transaction, unless otherwise approved.


    Once you're finished here, be sure to visit our Facebook event page
    If you or your company is interested in sponsoring this event,
    please contact Greg at *****@****.*** for rates and information

    Why should you sponsor?

  • 101-250 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

2 available packages from 500€ to 1250€

Custom Package

This package includes everything in the first package, along with a one-half hour (30 minute) sponsor presentation in which you will be able to further explain your service to the attendees. This will also be captured on video and will be included in the video release. You will also be invited to include additional materials in the give-away package.

2 available


Expecting upwards of 200 attendees. These are real internet business owners, not prospects. We are also video taping for the purpose of producing a DVD, offering a package for sale through Business Facebook groups, Spreecast promotions, and other online forums. Expecting good sales of materials to non-attendees. Your sponsorship will include: disribution of your flyer or other approved materials in the take-home package for conference attendees, and inclusion of up to 500 additional flyers in packages sold or given to non-attendees. Your company's name will be mentioned in writing in the credits on the DVD, along with a website address or contact phone number. Your company name will be listed as a sponsor on our Facebook event page.

1 available

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