Innovate4Right will hold the first World Humanitarian Innovation Day to build awareness of shared values that can facilitate a cooperative innovation between humanitarian actors, social entrepreneurs, experts, financial institutions, impact investors and philanthropists to advance projects that effectively address the following issues: Food, clean Water, Housing, Health care, Education and Peace.
Up to 42 humanitarian “innovators” will be selected by Innovate4Right experts around the world. Each project should be identified to have a high potential for contributing to address the above humanitarian problems faced by communities. Innovators will be given a time slot an stand to present their project ideas during the WHID 2018. The best ones will receive Awards at the end of the day.
identify – promote – connect – enable – positive impact.
By supporting the WHID, your organisation will become connected with a worthwhile endeavour: Helping to improve the lives of millions of people around the world.
Image Enhancement: Humanitarian events create images of responsibility, engagement, diversity, inclusion, participation, social responsibility, fighting against poverty and much more – qualities that are universally valued. Your sponsorship will strengthen confidence with your organization's target groups and link you with humanitarian concerns.
Brand Loyalty: Through a variety of media (posters, internet, TV/ Radio, news articles, banners etc), your organisation will reach an important target audience. People who participate in and passionately follow our event will also be closely following your activities, locally and internationally.
Brand Name Exposure: Humanitarian entrepreneurs are those putting their heart and experience at the centre of their innovation. Facing difficult situations, they could be among the group of people earning less than $1/day. They are enthusiasts, loyal and affluent consumer groups who value top brands. Improving their income means improving their buying power and improving your revenue. Create a powerful connection between your brand and our worthy cause by sponsoring the WHID.
Innovate4Right is a registered non-profit non-governmental association based in Basel, Switzerland. Innovate4Right assists and promotes humanitarian innovators, helping to turn their project ideas into reality.
Our Mission is to give and receive smile by promoting innovation ensuring that urgent vital needs are within reach for everyone.
Our Vision is to reach those whose valuable contributions are still being ignored and missing.
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10 available packages from US$100 to US$50000
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