We are building a veterans community for the spouses of veterans and veterans that live below the poverty line. In Florida one out of every five disabled veterans live below poverty.
We are going to provide tiny homes for those veterans who can't afford the big homes. The community will have a club house that will provide Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for those who need peer counceling and more.We will also provide trips to the VA hospital. We are putting a offer in on land that we can build our community on.
On June 29 we are holding a dinner/press release at our supporter Mission BBQ in Fort Myers Florida. We should have a tiny homeat location of Mission BBQ.
Those veterans have given us our freedom, Liberty and freedom of speach. Without these we wouldn't be able to sell things, hold meetings, speak our mind.
We need to honor all veterans not just with a hand shake but more like we are today.
My name is George Tice and I'm a blind Desert Storm disabled veteran. I have been helping veteran starting in 2004 in Florida. I'm 52 years if age and I love helping my brothers and sisters.
I'm also the Veterans Coordinator for the Florida Tarpons. I honor a veteran at each home game.
I have a wife who over the last year gone thought a lot as I was in a coma and almost lost my life twice while going under open heart surgery.
We have a 16 year old daugher who is a straight A student and loves animals.
Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer3 available packages from US$2500 to US$10000
https://www.sponsormyevent.com/veterans-community-project-tiny-homes-fort-myersWe are holding a dinner and a press conference June 29 Logo on our website Logo on all press releases Logo on sponsorship banner Your companies name on one of the veterans tiny home
1 available
Logo on our website Logo on sponsorship banner Logo on flyers Logo on all news release logo on video of building of tiny home Our company at our dinner/news conference June 29
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Logo on our website Logo on sponsorship banner Logo on tiny home as it's transferred to events Logo on tiny home at event with builder Visit builder to take photo's with a home being builder Logo on sponsorship banner
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