United States of America Cricket Umpires Association's (USACUA) umpires stand at over 5000 games across USA from April - November everyear across United states. In cricket, an umpire is a person who has the authority to make decisions about events on the cricket field according to the Laws of Cricket
The logos of companies that sponsor will be displayed on all umpires game day and travel day uniforms and kits. Cricket is currently watched by over 200,000 Americans every year.
Sponsoring the umpires allows a brand to appear on jerseys in the Premier cricket Leagues—watched by over 200,000 americans every year, at the cricket fields and TVs. This will be a great opportunity for Sponsors to advertise in a new market.
USACUA is responsible for training and development of cricket umpires in USA
Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer3 available packages from US$2500 to US$5000
10 available
10 available
10 available