Sun, Jul 31 2022

The Sinlges Network One Year Anniversary,

El Paso, Texas, United States El Paso, Texas, United States

  • About the event

    Hi. My name is Sarai and I am the owner of Moonlight Devi. I started my business a year ago creating speed dating events for singles in the city that slowly transformed to activities such as classes, game nights, and outdoor events. Now that my one year anniversary is around the corner I want to have a gala night experience for singles in the city. I was inspired by the Bridgerton Experience event happening across the country and would like to have a one of a kind experience like that for all the single people in my city. I started my business and currently getting my certifcation as a singles/dating coach and want to be El Paso's Hitch. I love how much every single person that comes to my events feels so seen and special and I want to have a big gala night to celebrate a year of empowering singles to really find true love. 

    Why should you sponsor?

    Besides the amuont of promotion that will be offered for this event you will also be part of a bigger dream. As mentioned before I want to help people find love and or believe in love again. I want to have a place for everyone to come and live in fantasy land for just a few hours. I want the sponsors that are interested to know that they will be promoted on every platform and they will be recognized every single step of the way. 

    Sarai Tave

    My name is Sarai sinlges/dating coach and owner of Moonlight Devi. Moonlight Devi was born as a small womens empowerment coaching business that slowly transformed into a singles mixer and coaching business. I am a single mom and work 3 jobs plus the coaching business. I have always worked hard to show my child that having passion and determination can make all of your dreams come true and get you far in life. Even though I for the longest time was so scared of launching my business. When I finally did everythign just fell into place. Every single event and client I've coached so far has been placed in my life for a reason. I am manifesting that the right sponsors reach out to make this even bigger dream a reality. 

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 101-250 attendees expected

    39% Male Attendees

    61% Female Attendees

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The Singles Network One Year Anniversary

I am looking for sponsors to provide food and decor. I will be promoting you all over town at one of El Paso's most renowned hotels. You will be promoted on all social media platforms and giving you leads for future customers.

10 available

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