Thu, Jun 06 - Fri, Jun 07 2019

STEM Showcase,

Ontario Science Centre, North York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Ontario Science Centre, North York, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

  • About the event

    The STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Showcase will be held at the Ontario Science Center on June 6 & 7, 2019. 

    We are hoping this annual event will impact our community by touching and enriching young lives - where students will be able to showcase their brains, ideas, and talents in the area of STEM.

    This event is open to everyone; project exhibits are opened to students in grades 3-12. 

    Student exhibitors will gain confidence in presenting their hard work, and expand their knowledge competing with their peers.  All students will lbe inspired, and gain a sense of belonging, inclusion and innovation.  

    There will be a wide variety of STEM related workshops, presentations, and demonstrations.  Sirena Technologies will host lunch and learn sessions with NINo the humanoid robot.  

    Prizes and awards will be awarded for projects in various different categories.  

    This event will help raise awareness regarding STEM programs throughout the GTA, Peel, Halton, and Durham regions.  Parents are able to browse and shop STEM programs in the Vendors Loft.  Teachers and school boards can see firsthand and order new innovations they can use in class.


    Why should you sponsor?

    It would be nice to see you and your organization partnered with STEM academics, STEM awareness and interest.  Your sponsorship enables children to partake in a wonderful experience of educational nourishment and life changing opportunities.  

    Any direct sponsorship or product donation with your organization's logo will increase your brand awareness and corporate footprint within the community. 

    Sponsors are offered an excellent opportunity to promote relevant products and services to a quality audience of targeted clients, consumers, and corporate partners.  

    As a not-for-profit institution, your donation will go a long way in building this annual event, and making this year's showcase a memorable success. 

    Our main focus is to cover financial exposure, so the first two sponsorships are shared in detailed, we have many other sponsorship opportunities that are a great way to promote your organization, and be of great contribution to our community. 

    Sponsorship Level   Sponsorship Name       Donation ($)

    Platinum                       Title Sponsor                       14,500

    Platinum                       Mezzanine Sponsor               7,500

    Platinum                      Telus Room Sponsor               5,000

    Gold                             Vendors Loft Sponsor             3,000

    Gold                            Lunch and Learn Sponsors     2,000

    Gold                            T-Shirt Sponsor                       1,000

    Silver                          Trophy and Awards Sponsor      900

    Silver                          Program Sponsor                       900

    Silver                           Food Sponsor                            900

    Bronze                        Showcase Tote Bag Sponsor     800

    Bronze                         Balloon Sponsor                       750

    Bronze                        Showcase Lanyard Sponsor     500

    In Kind Sponsorship Sponsorship Name         Product Minimum

    Sapphire                      Used Computer Donation        None

    Sapphire                      Swag Bag Product Sponsors   Multiples of 100

    Sapphire                      Hydration Station Sponsors     None

    There is a paypal link included - please copy and paste to support.  https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=oQGr-XNaimQyWnJwK7jdaNMCbpEqlLzxlMNuG1YIeSJP8XWubs1DfSUcst6db4kUs_PVX0&country.x=CA&locale.x=CA  This link is also available on the www.stemshowcase.com site.  Thank you once again.


    Yvonne Clarke

    I enjoy working with kids, and inspiring them. 

    I partner well for great achievements, and I look forward to working with you.

    Yvonne Clarke - BSocSc, PMP

    Academy Director - Central and Western Canada

    CCMA - Clarke Christian Montessori Academy
    JAXS Club Camps - Canada

    24 Alexander St Brampton - Central Public School
    375 Clark St Brampton, ON
    771 Sargent Ave Winnipeg, MB

    Over 10 locations facilitating our Early Learning Program across the GTA.  


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  • 1001-2500 attendees expected

    63% Male Attendees

    37% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

2 available packages from C$7500 to C$14500

1. Platinum Sponsor -$5k+ -Title Sponsor

Sadly the expected Title Sponsor is not available, we would need confirmation and payment by June 1 with your logo vector in black and white and in colour to complete our promotional material. The STEM Showcase is FREE to attend for the community to be able to engage in the world of STEM. Along with spending a great amount of quality time at our event (~5 hours) which includes a lunch and learn, we are also able to give our attendees $6 tickets for regular admission to enjoy the rest of the Ontario Science Center for the day. All attendees (all ages) are eligible for this amazing price. Please expect maximum brand awareness and increase your corporate footprint within the community as the Peel, Halton, GTA, and Durham school boards are all aware, and the Ontario Science has great foot traffic; based on their website: - estimated visitors - 1-million annually. - 85% of visitors are from Ontario - of this ~74% are from the GTA. - more than 174,000 Ontario school students visit each year - that averages about 700 students/day - Monday-Friday - 52 weeks - did not adjust for school breaks. So having 1,000+ attend our STEM Showcase over the two-days will connect you with interested consumers, and customers - personal and corporate. As a not-for-profit institution, your donation will go a long way in building this annual event, and making this year's showcase a memorable success. If by chance this sponsorship inquiry is too late to gain corporate approval, I hope you can consider a personal donation to ensure this runs smoothly. We are grateful for whatever you can do. Title Sponsor - $14,500 (Main Conference Space) The TITLE SPONSOR is the main event sponsor. This sponsor will receive prominent logo and brand awareness and be credited throughout the event and on all promotional and printed materials. The title sponsor will receive: - Placement of six (6) - 6 foot standing banners located in:  1 in the Telus conference room  1 in Registration booth  1 in The Bistro  2 in the Mezzanine  1 in the Vendors Loft - Eight (8) smaller banners placed throughout the room. - Sponsored table. - Up to eight (8) complimentary scholarship gala tickets. - Table top signage throughout the bistro. - Table top signage throughout the Telus Conference Room. - Full center page spread in the program. - Logo on the back of all event t-shirts. - Logo on the event website. - Podium acknowledgement and announcement prior to every guest speaker, announcement and workshop. - 2 days of promotional benefit at the STEM Showcase at the Ontario Science Centre. - Great potential for media exposure.

1 available

2. Platinum Sponsor -$5k+ -Mezzamine Sponsors

Sadly the expected Title Sponsor is not available, to cover costs we would need at least 2 confirmations and payments by June 1 with your logo vector in black and white and in colour to complete our promotional material. The STEM Showcase is FREE to attend for the community to be able to engage in the world of STEM. Along with spending a great amount of quality time at our event (~5 hours) which includes a lunch and learn, we are also able to give our attendees $6 tickets for regular admission to enjoy the rest of the Ontario Science Center for the day. All attendees (all ages) are eligible for this amazing price. Please expect maximum brand awareness and increase your corporate footprint within the community as the Peel, Halton, GTA, and Durham school boards are all aware, and the Ontario Science has great foot traffic; based on their website: - estimated visitors - 1-million annually. - 85% of visitors are from Ontario - of this ~74% are from the GTA. - more than 174,000 Ontario school students visit each year - that averages about 700 students/day - Monday-Friday - 52 weeks - did not adjust for school breaks. So having 1,000+ attend our STEM Showcase over the two-days will connect you with interested consumers, and customers - personal and corporate. As a not-for-profit institution, your donation will go a long way in building this annual event, and making this year's showcase a memorable success. If by chance this sponsorship inquiry is too late to gain corporate approval, I hope you can consider a personal donation to ensure this runs smoothly. We are grateful for whatever you can do. Mezzanine Sponsor - $7,500 (Main Exhibit Space) The Mezzanine is the main Exhibit space. Sponsors will receive: - Prominent logo and brand awareness at the entrance and throughout the room. • Four (4) - 6 foot standing banners • Six (6) smaller banners places throughout the space. - Up to 2 complimentary STEM scholarship gala tickets in September 2019. - Full page ad in the program. - Logo on the back of all event t-shirts. - Logo on the event website. - Prominent banner at the entrance and event host table. - 2 days of promotional benefit at the STEM Showcase at the Ontario Science Centre. - Main podium announcement of sponsorship throughout the 2 day event. - Great potential for media exposure.

3 available

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