Fri, Dec 22 - Sat, Dec 23 2017


SLS DAV Public School, Krishna Nagar, Delhi, Delhi, India SLS DAV Public School, Krishna Nagar, Delhi, Delhi, India

  • About the event

    We believe that SLSDAV-MUN’2K17is an excellent and exceptional opportunity, where students will not only become diplomats to represent foreign countries and open vistas across borders. It is an endeavor of nurturing young erudite minds into leaders and pioneers of tomorrow. We cordially invite your prestigious school to attend our first edition of MUN. We look towards your school’s active participation in this two-day event, an amalgamation of ideas of the exuberant young minds to create a better future

    Why should you sponsor?

    The event will accomodate an audience that will serve as the ground for promotion of the sponsor's name and its good services. This will not only promote the name but will also help the sponsor to increase their market which will be a beneficial factor for increasing the sales of the product and services. 

    The event will help to alter the public perception of the sponsor in an incredibly impactful way.

    yashjeet singh

    Smt. Swarn Lata Sethi D.A.V. Public School, Mausam Vihar Delhi (Sr. Sec.) under the aegis of D.A.V. College Managing Committee, Chitra Gupta Road, New Delhi started enrolling the students in December 1990 and started its nursery section in April 1991. The school progressed gradually adding a few classes every year. It got recognized by Directorate of Education and eventually got upgraded and also affiliated to CBSE. The school runs at present Science Stream -Medical and Non-Medical with Biotechnology, Fashion Studies, Economics, Psychology as options. We also have Commerce stream with Psychology, Mass Media Studies, Fashion Studies, Informatics Practices etc. We also run Professional Stream with Legal Studies, Mass Media Studies, Fashion Studies with combos. We also have vocational subjects like Financial Market Management, I.T. Vocational etc.

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  • 101-250 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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