The event is Six Red Snooker Nationals Tournament 2020 and will be played by top 200 players of India. It is a national ranking tournament and the winners will represent India in Asian Games.
We are pleased to inform that Gujarat State Billiards Association and Sports Club is organising the 6 Reds Snooker National Championships at the Club billiards room and arena from around February 27th upto March 9th.
The National Championships will be the basis of National rankings in 6 Reds for players of India. There is a participation of around 200 players from all across the country with top players like Pankaj Advani, Geet Sethi, Aditya Mehta, Laxman Rawat (current world champion), Rupesh Shah etc participating. The event will have a women’s category aswell. The event is played over around 12 days and shall be very well covered in the print, online and TV media across India. A splendid arena shall be created at Sports Club to accommodate the cue sports fans coming to witness the matches.
Your esteemed organization is a valuable patron of sports and we solicit your valuable support for the National Tournament.
The total budget of the event is of around Rs. 10 Lacs which includes cash prizes to winners of around Rs. 2.5 lacs and referee charges of around Rs. 3 lacs.
The Title Sponsorship proposal is as below:
Title Sponsor : Rs. 5,00,000
1) The tournament shall be titled in name of Title sponsor. Eg. “Polaroid 6 Red Snooker National Championships 2020”
2) The title of tournament shall be mentioned on all banners, posters, printing materials, entry forms of tournament and materials that are sent all over the country and also in all media notes that are released daily.
3) Pictures of participants released to media to have banner of either sponsor in background.
4) Daily promotion and updates of the tournament on the air of our Radio Partner
5) Widespread promotion of the tournament on GSBA’s FaceBook Page. The live match broadcast reach has touched 10,000 + views last year!
6) Standies with Title sponsor name and logo to be installed at club entrances for entire duration of the tournament.
7) Around 6 flex banners (4ft x 2ft size, 3 each in both arena) of the title sponsor shall be displayed for entire duration of the tournament.
8) Tournament posters with Title sponsor details sent to Affiliated State Associations and players thereafter all over India. The poster shall also be widely spread on social media – whatsapp, FB, emails etc. with a global reach
9) Title Sponsor to be Guest of Honour in Opening & Closing ceremonies. Opening shot of tournament by title sponsor. Main prizes & trophies to be handed over to winners by Title sponsor.
10) Product or brochure kiosk / display at the venue subject to confirmation of Club.
11) Title Sponsor name / logo will be prominently printed on all the Trophies
12) Tournament coverage in the Club newsletter with photographs, subject to confirmation of the Club.
We hope you find our proposal exciting and we look forward to joining hands with your esteemed organization to organize this event successfully, which will also give a big boost to Cue Sports and players of our country.
Kind regards,
Bhadresh Panchal
Gujarat State Billiards Association and Sports Club of Gujarat Ltd jointly is hosting the Six Red Snooker Nationals 2020 at Sports Club of Gujarat Ltd, Ahmedabad.
Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer1 available packages from US$10000
1 available