Singing Stars 2022 is singing reality competition airing on Online from 2022. The show will be Judged by young singer Salman Ali and will be Produced by Mindscense by Mr. Kapil Sahu Registeration already started for season 1, this show will be live online by various media partner, we hope for the success of this show
What is Singing Stars
If you sing good song, apply for an Our upcoming singing auditions competition in Singing Star 2022.This Contest will give you Carrier in the singing area. This audition process is free and online.
This singing auditions is getting contested in all the state of India. The name of those cities Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Guwahati, Chennai, Bangalore, Odisha, Ranchi, Patna, Lucknow, Kanpur, Allahabad, Varanasi, Agra, Chandigarh, Ludhiana, Amritsar, Jabalpur, Udhampur, Indore, Raipur, Bhopal, Nashik, Pune, Surat, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Udaipur, Agartala, Jorhat, Dibrugarh, Nagpur etc.
Singing Stars 2022
The Importance of Events Sponsorship
Event sponsorship is and continues to be, an effective way of increasing the visibility of a brand. Partnering with the right event can be the perfect way to tell prospective clients, your competitors and future stakeholders, that your business means business.
Through different levels of sponsorship, packages can be carefully tailored to suit your brand’s specific needs, ensuring you maximise every opportunity that event sponsorship brings. Whether it is because you want to show your business is a market leader, moving into a new area or you simply want to grow your brand’s presence, event sponsorship could be the boost your business needs.
Benefits of Event Sponsorship
1 Events provide an audience
2 Events are becoming more digital
3 Positive Publicity
4 Boost Business Relations
We are an education Centre offering professional whole brain development courses aspiring to uncover the latent potential of our younger generation, with the firm belief that proper right brain training will be immensely beneficial for children in unleashing that wondrous creativity within them, thus further complementing the country’s commendable education system
Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer
3 available packages from US$500 to US$4500 Singers will quench their thrust only after seeing the Bill boards at 04 different locations in the auditorium campus mentioning - "Soft drinks sponsored by "__Your Organisation name_____"
1 available
Sponsor get to showcase their branding thru the entire journey of this talent hunt competition of 2.5 months 1) Major logo of "your organisation" on digital promotion of event for 2.5 months thru whatsapp, facebook, Instagram, Youtube, News Channel, website. 2) Pre audition promotion in Schools, colleges & studios thru flex boards of event covering major logo of "Your organisation". 3) Logo of "your organisation" will carry on chest stickers, Entry forms, certficates, Banners & posters at Schools, colleges and major locations. 4) Web advertisements, Regular Radio and FM advertisements
10 available
This package offers our sponsors to be advertised on our flyers, and Back wall picture banner. We will encourage our social media audiences to engage and follow our sponsor. This package offers our sponsors for their logos to be advertised on our flyer, have a banner on the main stage, to be featured on a back wall picture banner and 20 free admission tickets. Also we will encourage our social media audiences to engage and follow our sponsor Sponsor get to showcase their branding thru the entire journey of this talent hunt competition of 2.5 months 1) Major logo of "your organisation" on digital promotion of event for 2.5 months thru whatsapp, facebook, Instagram, Youtube, News Channel, website. 2) Pre audition promotion in Schools, colleges & studios thru flex boards of event covering major logo of "Your organisation". 3) Logo of "your organisation" will carry on chest stickers, Entry forms, certficates, Banners & posters at Schools, colleges and major locations. 4) Web advertisements, Regular Radio and FM advertisements
5 available