Sat, Jun 18 2016

Silicon Mountain Conference,

Chariot Hotel Buea, Buea, Southwest, Cameroon Chariot Hotel Buea, Buea, Southwest, Cameroon

  • About the event

    SMConf is an annual conference which attracts creatives, hackers and organizers from Africa to the Mount Fako area for a day of code labs, workshops and sessions of inspiration and fun.


    Theme: Think Global, Build Local

    • Featuring lightning talks, design workshops, hackers sandbox and startup booths.
    • Everything required to challenge techies to conceive, code and collaborate.
    • Experience dedicated one-on-one sessions with startups at MeeThe Booths
    • Geeks showcase their talents; from good to great and iconic to inspirational.
    • We match off the map - pushing the boundaries of technology in Africa.

    Why should you sponsor?

    With 1000+ attendees from the entire continent, SMConf 2016 will be the largest Technology Conference in Africa.

    Sponsoring SMConf 2016 gives you the best opportunity to meet, experience and network with the thriving African community of creatives,techies and organizers. Our sponsorship program allows you to customize your presence at the SMConf 2016. Whether you are interested in growing your business on the African continent, networking with potential partners, rebranding your business or recruiting talent, our sponsorship packages are designed to help you achieve your specific objectives.

    Silicon Mountain Conference

    Silicon Mountain is a nickname coined to represent the Buea techosystem. It takes the Mountain acronym from Mount Fako which is highest point Mountain in West Africa. It currently incubates Africa's youngest tech startups and a growing community of developers and designers as well as the Universities such as the University of Buea, Catholic University Institute of Buea, Saint Monica University and many others. This region occupies the entire Fako(Victoria) Division of the South West Region inCameroon. It is centred on Buea together with nearby cities like Limbe, Mutengene, Kumba and others. The term originally was de facto referring to the Buea tech community popularized during local tech community meetups like the BarCamp Cameroon, Google Developer Group Buea (GDG Buea) and the Kamer Design Meetups; but has eventually come to refer to all tech startups, Tech communities, Universities, and the local hacker and creative community.

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 1001-2500 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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3 available packages from US$5000 to US$30000

Gold Package

5 available


10 available

Silver Package

10 available

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