The event will consist of 7 series races all over Scotland with a finale prize giving for the championship series winners!
Each race with have the BSSF recognised catogaries for competitors to enter. With 1st to 3rd place receiving medals and championship points.
The end of the series of races, points will be totaled in each category and 1st to 3rd places will be awarded to the championship race series winners.
Our races attract a wide range of people with different interests. We have a large following of mountain bike fans, trail runners and dog enthusiasts!
We are a small sport growing rapidly!We attract mountain bike fans, trail runner enthusiasts and dog fanatics. We would appreciate any support offered and would respect any sponsership. Ofcourse we would also return the support and promote any sponsership received. We could advertise our events with logos on our posters/social media, have banners etc at our events and include them in any press/media. We would also provide links to sponsership social media pages etc from our own pages and website.
We are willing to work with sponsers and are very flexible we believe that sponsership is a privalage that should be treated with respect. We would like to think as our sport grows so will our sponsers.
My name is Ashleigh. I am a member of the SDAS comittee.
SDAS is one on the top race organisations for sled dog sports in the UK. We organise the most technical and beautiful trail races in the country. We are also 1 of only 2 organisations that let British athletes qualify to compete abroad, ensuring that we get good attendance at our events.
SDAS is passionate about sled dogs and all sled dog sports. We aim to promote our sport and get more recognition for our British teams. I believe in supporting our teams both here in the UK and abroad. We have some incredible teams already but with more support they can be given the chance to reach new heights!
Sled dog sports is a very rapidly growing sport. Involving teams from 1 dog up to 8! Iam dedicated to promoting this sport positively and safely in the UK. SDAS intend to do this by creating race events for all levels of abilities where people can learn, race and compete in a safe and friendly environment.
Our sport is high speed and action packed. We have athletes that run and mountain bike to a high level and we believe in supporting them and their dogs.
Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer3 available packages from £100 to £999 sponsers banner at every race. With podium pictures. Have sponsers logo on our social media pages Have links to sponsers social media etc on our website Include sponsers information/leaflets in prize bags Mention sponsers at every race event (7 races + 1 championship prize giving)
10 available
Any sport or dog related prizes for our winners of each category for a race. (30 categories 1st to 3rd = 99 prizes per race event) We will promote sponser by mentioning sponsers at the race event briefing and prize giving. Ensure banners are up at event race day and in prize giving photos Provide links to sponsers social media pages on our own social media pages Include sponsers in any media articles etc
10 available
Sponsers mentioned on social media sites with links to sponsers provided
10 available