Sun, Oct 27 2024

Sass n' Soul Self-Care Summit,

Brownstone Gardens, Oakley, California, United States Brownstone Gardens, Oakley, California, United States

  • About the event

    Our self-care summit is a place where you can pause, take a breath, and focus on yourself! Join us for this one-day, jam-packed experience with breakout sessions, mini classes, pop-up-shops, and peer-to-peer networking designed for women at all stages in their self-care journey.

    We understand that self-care is universal, yet uniquely personal—it’s not a one-size-fits-all approach but a customizable path that merits both recognition and celebration. Immerse yourself in a day designed for relaxation, rejuvenation, or whatever you choose to enrich your mind, body, and soul. This day is dedicated to you—to refresh, reflect, and reconnect with your best self.

    Grab your friends, family and loved ones and join us at our upcoming self-care summit, a sanctuary where you can dive deep into the practices that nourish your soul and elevate your well-being. We invite you to wear whatever makes you feel your absolute best. If movement whether it be yoga, Pilates, personal training, etc., are part of your unique self-care routine, we suggest donning attire that’s comfortable and allows for movement. We also encourage you to bring along a notebook or journal to capture insights and inspirations during our speaker and breakout sessions. Plus, be among the first 50 attendees to receive a tote bag filled with goodies, curated to enhance your self-care journey. This day is all about you—come as you are and leave rejuvenated and inspired.

    What To Expect

    + Pop Up Shops from local self-care enthusiasts

    + Top-tier speakers

    + Panel discussions

    + Mini sessions (yoga, meditation, journaling, etc.)

    + Breakout sessions

    + Networking opportunities

    + Food & drinks

    + Access to the private Sass n’ Soul FB group

    Why should you sponsor?

    A company or health and fitness related brand would find sponsoring our Sass n' Soul Self-Care Summit an attractive opportunity for several compelling reasons:

    1. Targeted Audience Engagement: Our summit attracts a specific demographic of women and men who are actively interested in enhancing their well-being, making it an ideal platform for brands to engage with potential customers who are already aligned with their products or services.

    2. Brand Alignment with Wellness: By associating with our Self-Care Summit which emphasizes self-care and wellness, a brand can enhance its image as one that supports health, personal growth, and overall well-being. This alignment helps build brand credibility and loyalty among health-conscious consumers.

    3. Visibility and Brand Awareness: Sponsoring the summit offers extensive visibility through various marketing materials, event signage, and digital promotions, including mentions in the private Sass n’ Soul FB group. This exposure can significantly boost a brand's presence in the wellness community.

    4. Product Showcasing and Sales: Pop-up shops and exhibition spaces provide a direct sales opportunity, allowing brands to showcase and sell products, perform live demonstrations, and receive immediate feedback from a concentrated audience.

    5. Networking and Partnership Opportunities: The event gathers like-minded entrepreneurs, speakers, and influencers within the wellness industry, providing a rich environment for networking, forming strategic partnerships, and exchanging ideas.

    6. Content and Thought Leadership: Sponsors can position themselves as thought leaders by participating in panel discussions or hosting breakout sessions. This involvement allows them to share expert knowledge and insights, further establishing their authority in the wellness space.

    7. Market Research and Consumer Insights: Direct interaction with attendees provides valuable insights into consumer preferences, behaviors, and emerging trends. This information is invaluable for future product development, marketing strategies, and customer service improvements.

    8. Community and CSR Impact: Supporting the summit reinforces a brand’s commitment to community health and wellness, an aspect that can enhance corporate social responsibility initiatives and resonate deeply with customers who value social impact.

    9. Employee Engagement and Morale: Participation in the summit can also serve as a team-building opportunity for staff, aligning them with the company's wellness goals and boosting morale.

    10. Long-term Customer Relationships: Engaging with participants in a meaningful way can foster long-lasting customer relationships. Providing value through workshops, product samples, and informative sessions helps create lasting impressions that go beyond the event.

    Sponsoring the Self-Care Summit offers a multifaceted opportunity for companies and brands to enhance their market presence, engage with a niche audience, and contribute positively to the community's wellness.

    Danielle Foster

    Why Sponsors Should Trust Me for the Self-Care Summit:

    1. Extensive Experience in Holistic Health and Fitness: With over 12 years of personal commitment to holistic health and fitness, I bring a deep understanding and authentic passion to the event. My journey reflects a long-standing dedication to wellness principles, ensuring that the summit content is both genuine and practically useful.

    2. Proven Competitive Background: My participation in two professional fitness shows with the INBA showcases not just my personal commitment to fitness but also my ability to compete and excel at high levels. This competitive experience underscores my understanding of the discipline, resilience, and dedication required to succeed, qualities that are infused into the planning and execution of the summit.

    3. Veteran Event Organizer: With more than 15 years of experience in running events, I have a proven track record of organizing and managing successful gatherings. This extensive experience guarantees that the summit will be well-organized, from conceptualization to execution, ensuring a seamless experience for both attendees and sponsors.

    4. Professional Design Expertise: My 15+ years as a professional graphic designer ensure that all event materials—from promotional content to event signage—will be of the highest quality. Good design not only enhances visual appeal but also communicates professionalism and attention to detail, contributing to a positive brand perception for sponsors.

    5. Passion for Self-Care: My passion for a well-rounded self-care routine is at the core of this summit. This personal commitment translates into a curated event that genuinely aims to enhance attendees' lives, aligning with any sponsor’s mission to promote health, wellness, and quality of life.

    6. Customized Sponsorship Opportunities: Drawing on my skills and experiences, I offer sponsors tailored engagement opportunities that maximize visibility and interaction with a targeted audience. My background in design and event management allows me to create unique and effective promotional strategies that stand out.

    By trusting me with your sponsorship, you align your brand with a seasoned professional who is deeply embedded in the wellness industry and dedicated to delivering an exceptional event. I am committed to creating a platform where your brand can connect meaningfully with attendees, enhancing your visibility and promoting your commitment to health and wellness.

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 251-500 attendees expected

    20% Male Attendees

    80% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

3 available packages from US$1000 to US$5000

Gold Package

+ Premier logo placement on all event materials + Keynote speaking opportunity* + Featured pop-up booth space + Main stage co-branding with event hosts + Exclusive sponsorship of one high-profile component of the event (hydration stations, welcome beverage station, etc.) + Mentions in all press releases and social media + Opportunity to include items in attendee gift bags + Sponsorship acknowledgment during event opening and closing remarks and throughout the event + 8 tickets to the event *topics must be in alignment with the topic and spirit of the event. Talk must be approved by event hosts.

1 available

Silver Package

+ Logo on event materials + Pop-Up booth space + Opportunity to host a panel or workshop + Social media mentions + Sponsorship acknowledgment during event opening and closing remarks + Opportunity to include items in attendee gift bags + 4 general admission tickets

2 available

Bronze Package

+ Logo on event signage + Social media recognition + Pop-up booth space + Opportunity to include items in attendee gift bags

6 available

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