Fri, Apr 15 2022

Reverend Horton Heat,

Buck's Backyard, Buda, Texas, United States Buck's Backyard, Buda, Texas, United States

  • About the event


    Why should you sponsor?

    Backyard Amphitheatre Music Series  Buck’s Backyard will provide a world-class concert viewing experience to our patrons. Our concert series will consist of various genres of music from March to December (weather permitting). Our venue sits on 15 serene, park-like acres on Onion Creek with ample parking  Anticipated average annual # of shows: 60  Anticipated average show attendance: 3,500  Anticipated average annual attendance: 350,000  Anticipated annual # of brand impressions via patrons, print media, social media, marketing, promotion: 1,250,000


    Backyard Amphitheatre Music Series  Buck’s Backyard will provide a world-class concert viewing experience to our patrons. Our concert series will consist of various genres of music from March to December (weather permitting). Our venue sits on 15 serene, park-like acres on Onion Creek with ample parking  Anticipated average annual # of shows: 60  Anticipated average show attendance: 3,500  Anticipated average annual attendance: 350,000  Anticipated annual # of brand impressions via patrons, print media, social media, marketing, promotion: 1,250,000

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  • 10000+ attendees expected

    68% Male Attendees

    32% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

1 available packages from US$0

See below on packages available

Stage Name sponsorship  Prime marquee sponsorship (across the top of the stage, all season) $10,000 per month from March-October  Includes 8 VIP tickets to every show and 4 VIP parking passes  The stage remains in place with Sponsors name prominently displayed every day (visible to everyday patrons of Buck's)  Exclusivity, no other similar/competing company can advertise on the stage Side wing sponsorship (side banners of stage)  $2,000 per show  Includes 4 VIP tickets to the show and 4 VIP Parking passes VIP area naming sponsorship - The XYZ VIP Porch, for example  $15,000 for the whole season  Includes 8 VIP tickets to every show  Elevated world-class viewing area that will be a higher-priced ticket option for patrons. Sponsorship of this area includes 4 tickets to every show  Prominent name display on this area. Can be banner, neon, other (at sponsors discretion and cost) VIP Sponsor Package  $500.00 per month for a 6x4 banner on fence line of amphitheater field  $1,000.00 per month for a 6x4 banner on fence line of amphitheater field as well as a 3x3 banner on the VIP bar patio. All $1,000.00 sponsors will also receive 2 tickets to every show we hold they would like to attend.

10 available

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