Sun, Dec 09 2018

Raising Kings and Queens,

Brandon, Florida, United States Brandon, Florida, United States

  • About the event

    Grow Mama Glow Community brings to you Raising Kings and Queens. An event centered aroud our childrens dreams and aspirations. Join us for an afternoon of inspirational fun as we speak life into our youth and help them create mini vision boards filled with affirmations that you create together!

    What if our children could learn the truth of who they really are before life makes them forget?

    What if we could draw closer to them, helping them find their unique truth, through art and journaling projects….



    Why should you sponsor?

    Motherhood comes with many joys and one of those joys includes influencing our children to be the best version of themselves. We want our children to be courageous, fearless, and ambitious as they embark on their journey. We are seeking sponsors who believe in empowering our youth to achieve their highest potential. We are committed to instilling high morals and principles in our children and we need the support of our community to reach more.

    Barbara Mihalakos


    My name is Barbara Mihalakos and I am the founder of the Grow Mama Glow (GMG) Community. We are a community of mothers whose mission is to connect, empower, and support each other throughout our journeys as mothers. Our sole focus is personal development and we are in need of sponsors who share similiar desires to empower our famillies and in particularly, our youth. 

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  • 1-50 attendees expected

    0% Male Attendees

    100% Female Attendees

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2 available packages from US$50 to US$100

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10 available


Hello, my name is Barbara Mihalakos and I am the founder of the Grow Mama Glow (GMG) Community. We are a community of mothers whose mission is to connect, empower, and support each other throughout our journeys as mothers. GMG is hosting our first mommy & me event on Sunday December 9th at 2:30pm. We would like to invite you to be one of the sponsors for our upcoming event titled Raising Kings and Queens. This event is created to inspire, empower, and motivate our youth to be the best versions of his or herself. The children will create mini vision boards that allow them to showcase their visions and dreams. We will then discuss the power of having a growth mindset versus a fixed mindset. As a sponsor, we welcome any contribution from your company. We are in need of goodies for our swag bags and monetary donations for magazines and other vision board supplies. If you agree to sponsor our event, your company will be mentioned on all our marketing flyers and ads. In addition, you and other representatives from your company are more than welcomed to attend the event for and opportunity to encourage our youth. Thank you in advance for your consideration.

10 available

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