Fri, Jul 02 2021

Picnic Summer Festival,

Alex West Golf Course, Alexandria Governorate, Egypt Alex West Golf Course, Alexandria Governorate, Egypt
3 Sponsors Confirmed
Alex West
West City Club
CMB Group

  • About the event

    We are having an upcoming event, Picnic Summer Festival

    at Alex West's compound golf course, Alexandria on Friday, July 2nd.


    Our Event will target Alexandria Elite community; families and friends

    Age group: 15-55

    Expected number of visitors: >1000


    The event is free entry and will include the following:

     shopping; local brands, summer wear-  accessories - home decor - cosmetics, and organics. Food trucks - painting area - games and activities for kids & adults, performers, picnic, giveaways, tombola, music and more.

    Throughout the day we will be giving out picnic baskets including all of the sponsor's products.

    Why should you sponsor?

    we are targeting Alexandria's Elite communit, our event is different we aim to make it memorable. Families and friends come to enjoy the whole day from shopping, performance, and activities.

    Farida El Wakil

    I'm the founder of BFestive Events.

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 501-1000 attendees expected

    32% Male Attendees

    68% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

1 available packages from US$450

Food Sponsor

-Social media ads -Tent 3x3 that includes 3 chairs and a table 150x70cm -Prime Location -put 2-5 of your banners -distribute your product in a picnic basket -give out flyers and vouchers -logo on gigital invitation -badge on volunteer shirts -product will be sent to influencers - install your booth -offer an activity

2 available

Confirmed Sponsors

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