Wed, Dec 10 - Sat, Dec 13 2014

PerPlexUs Private View,

London, United Kingdom London, United Kingdom

  • About the event


    A web of luminous nerves. Neurons firing. Questions. Catalysts across disciplines and industries. Radical skeptics armed with troublesome knowledge. Connection. Imagination. Authenticity. Application.

    MA Applied Imagination in the Creative Industries (MAAICI) is a postgraduate course at Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design (CSM): an internationally renown Art & Design institute with a proud history of fostering some of the world’s most celebrated creative minds.

    Living in times where future presents us with such uncertainties over our cultural, political and economic outcomes. It has become increasingly important to foster the abilities to imagine and design the new.

    Education provides us with a fertile ground to harness the kind of innovative thinking our society needs to build a more progressive and fulfilling future.

    I would like to welcome you to MAAI Degree Show 2014, where we hope you will in turn be inspired and glimpse the future through sixty creative journeys, that will be presented by the talented individuals that play a key part in both yours and the broader creative industries.

    Why should you sponsor?

  • 1001-2500 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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