Sat, Apr 29 2023

Our Story Is presents "At the Market",

Los Angeles, California, United States Los Angeles, California, United States
5 Sponsors Confirmed
Protech Staffing
Ubatuba Acai
Baja Fresh
Sharky's Woodfired Mexican Grill
Western Bagel

  • About the event

    At the Market is the first FREE farmers maket for the working class.  Filling in the stop gap between the wealthy and impoverished.   

    At the Market provides farm fresh produce, entertainment, eco-friendly and biodegradeable products.  Giving market goers high-quality food and a high-quality experience. 

    Why should you sponsor?

    What do you do when you are stuck in the middle of the ocean without a life jacket? With so much focus on the homeless and low income communities (rightfully so), many working class individuals who are in survival mode often fall through the cracks. There are very few programs implemented to aid those individuals before hitting poverty.

    “Our Story Is” is the stop gap between the working class and impoverished, with a mission to fill in the gaps before people hit poverty level. With poverty increasing by nearly 60% in the San Fernando Valley alone from 2020 to 2022, this illustrates the urgency of aid needed for those right before they become impoverished. In a climate of inflation, many are faced with the tough choice whether to purchase groceries for the week, get gas for the week, or pay their rent. 

    In order to combat this, once a month “Our Story Is” will host a FREE farmers market geared towards individuals experiencing hardship called “At the Market”. Uniquely, not only serving the homeless and impoverished, but all individuals who have fallen on hard times. This farmers market will provide the highest quality fresh and/or organic produce, healthy food, entertainment, as well as 90% biodegradable/eco-friendly products.

    At Our Story Is, there is a strong understanding that no one is exempt, and it could be any one of us.


    Keke Dixon

    Our Story Is recoginizes the needs of the working class.  We have worked tirelessly to launch At the Market.  Our first market launch was on March 25, 2023.  Before the launch we were featured on ABC7 https://abc7.com/our-story-is-nonprofit-free-farmers-market-canoga-park/12893705/ , AM870, and Voice of America attended our launch as well.  With 300 market goers in attendance we were presented a Certificate of Recognition from Councilmember Bob Blumenfield of Council District 3.  We have received in-kind and monetary donations as well as sponsorships.  With all of the media coverage, marketing, donations, hardwork, amazing volunteers, and committment, we were able to provide the market goers an amazing experience.  We are strictly donation based. We are committed to serving the community. 

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  • 251-500 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

3 available packages from US$100 to US$5100


Tax deductible. Examples of how your donation will be allocated. $5 = 5 GALLONS OF WATER $15 = 5 PACK FARMERS MARKET REUSABLE TOTE BAG $20 = TRASH BAGS $40 = PAPER GOODS $100 =100 GALLONS OF WATER $500 = 1/2 HOT MEALS $1000 = 1/4 PRODUCE ( 1 FARMERS MARKET)

10 available

In Kind
Food Sponsor

Social media marketing on FB, Instagram, Twitter, and our website. Any marketing materials from food sponsor will placed at farmers market tent. All food donations will be given to market goers At the Market. Vendors can either provide tent set up with their employees or provide food items and At the Market volunteers will head the tent that represents the food sponsor.

10 available

Gold Package

Your company logo on event promotional materials and website. Social Media marketing on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ourstoryis_/ Facebook, Twitter, all press releases, all media interviews ( We have been featured on ABC7, AM870, and Voice of America.) Sponsor one month At the Market. $100 = 100 GALLONS OF WATER $1000 = HOT MEALS $4000 = PRODUCE

10 available

Confirmed Sponsors

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