Hi! My name is Karishma I got selected to be a future leader for a meeting in Boston, Massachusetts. The full length name of the meeting is The Congress of Future Science and Technology Leaders. I really want to go to the event to have a new experience but I can't afford it right now. It costs $985 to go there and meet the scientists. This opportunity will help me open doors for myself. If you go to the meeting you get to be in their program which has strict standards for example a minimum 3.5 GPA which I have. I hope you consider to help me!
3 available packages from US$100 to US$980
https://www.sponsormyevent.com/national-academy-of-future-scientists-and-technologists-undefinedIf there is any way to get tme the money before the meeting it will help because the deadlinefor the applications are in April.
1 available
I will pass out flyers for your company.
1 available
I will pass out flyers talk about your company and even wear your logo.
1 available