Sat, Jun 15 - Wed, Jul 31 2019

Mpumalanga Youth Choir,

New York, New York, United States New York, New York, United States

  • About the event

    MPYC (Mpumalanga Youth Choir) is a choir from Shouth Africa. They recendly took part in Talent Africa and got 4 gold medals. They are now invited to perform in New York at Talent America that will take part in June/July 2019

    The choir have 75 members. Is based in Mpumalanga, South Africa. They are a non-profit organasation, and depent souly on sponsorships.

    The choir is planing to go to Belguim in 2020 for the World Choir Championship

    Why should you sponsor?

    Music is a universal language. With South Africa history and current unstable affairs, the choir that is of mix race, is a token of hope and proof that all South Africans can stand, and work together.

    Sponsorship to this choir shows that outside interests also believe in South Africa, and its people.

    It also brings the world closer together. Kids that may have only see their own land and country may have the opportunity to see the world. Your company may have a hand in the new Pavarotti or Bono, if one of these kids are spotted by talent managers

    Mpumalanga Youth Choir

    I'm a parent of one of the choir members.

    I would like to help create an opportunity for my child, to take part in one of the most prestigious awards. But this is a choir and not a one man band, therefor we need help for the whole choir

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  • 5001-10000 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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1 available packages from US$300000


Profile logo and images will be on t-shirts of the choir and visible all the time as these t-shirts must be worn all the time wail traveling. All sponsors will be mentioned on our website and Facebook. (As well as, any other means we create for visibility) The choir is aiming to go to Belgium in 2020 for the World Choir Championship. Sponsorship will have a international cover with this small choir for South Africa

10 available

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