Fri, May 06 2016

Mimp Magazine Launch Party,

Toronto, Ontario, Canada Toronto, Ontario, Canada

  • About the event

    A launch party to celebrate the debut of our first Spring Print volume.
    (to be released biannually).  

    Mimp Magazine is currently an independent online magazine dedicated to teens and young women who don't have a specific style but are very specific people...


    We're for girls who know what they want and don't stop until they get it! So in other words, we believe in creating an empowering environment for girls and young women everywhere. 

    We plan to release a biannual print issue (Spring and winter). Because of our wide range of content and writers around the world, our styles and opinion are constantly changing. Mimp Magazine is originally an online magazine for young women with a worldwide and local audience of just over 10,000 readers

    This Launch party will be attended by local, young female celebrities and vendors, which has potential to attract a larger turnout as well as generate a buzz on social media. Invitations will be extended to Industry members and other magazines. 

    The purpose of this event is to generate buzz and to have a great time while celebrating the achievements of young women everywhere!

    Our Story:

     Mimp Mag was created by Andreya Klobucar and Melissa Marzetti in October 2014. The Toronto based magazine is currently run by sixteen year old Andreya Klobucar and business is managed by nineteen year old Adriana Parente.


    In the past years, Andreya noticed a demand for a platform where aspiring journalists could begin to develop their creative portfolio. Mimp Mag had the potentail to do just that. The magazine was opened to international submissions and positions in early 2015, so that teens and young adults from around the globe could contribute. After posting a video on her youtube channel, Andreya and Melissa recieved over three hundred young applicants with incredible potential. Mimp Mag helps young writers to practice for their future in journalism and has proven beneficial for all team members so far.  

    We believe in changing the way women are represented in the media, and how we are affected. Love yourself and embrace your flaws because you are beautiful.


    Why should you sponsor?

  • 51-100 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

6 available packages from C$100 to C$600


Sponsors who donate $100 will receive a subscription to Mimp Magazine and an sponsor invitation to the launch! Business cards or samples can be added to goodie bags or handed out if you provide them.

10 available

Mimp Mag Sponsor

Your company will appear on our sponsor page from the moment you sponsor until 2 weeks after the event. You will appear in a post on our website along with other sponsors. Sponsor will receive a subscription to Mimp Magazine and an sponsor invitation to the launch! Business cards or samples can be added to goodie bags or handed out if you provide them.

10 available

Mimp Mag Partner

Your company will be added to all social media campaigns as a major sponsor. For example: The "Bloom" Launch Party brought to you by "Company Name". Your company will be displayed on our home page as well as on our sponsor page and will be featured in a post on our website. You will be tagged in photos on social media that pertain to the event. Your company will remain on our sponsor page until the next year. Your company logo will appear on event flyers if you become a partner before March 1st. Sponsor will receive a subscription to Mimp Magazine and an sponsor invitation to the launch! Business cards or samples can be added to goodie bags or handed out if you provide them.

10 available

Print Volume + online AD

$600 - Full page colour AD $500- Half Page Colour AD $300- Quarter Page Colour AD $400- online AD - link embedded Business cards or samples can be added to goodie bags or handed out if you provide them.

5 available

In Kind
Food Sponsor

Sweets and pastries/non alcoholic drinks for 50-100 people. You will be added to our sponsor page until the next year. You will have a quarter page AD in our print issue You will be the equivalent to a major sponsor. Invitation to the event and a copy of the Spring issue. Business cards or samples can be added to goodie bags or handed out if you provide them.

4 available

In Kind

Sponsor products for our SWAG BAG given to our guests! Amount 50-100 You will be on our sponsor page for an entire year. If we like your product(s) we will promote them on our instagram and on the home page of our website. You will be a Mimp Mag Partner that will be credited for making the event happen. Extensive social media coverage of your product. Business cards or samples can be added to goodie bags or handed out if you provide them.

3 available

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