Fri, May 18 - Sun, May 20 2018


Shillong, Meghalaya, India Shillong, Meghalaya, India

  • About the event

    The event is an academic simulation of the various organs of the United Nations in which students take part as delegates of various countries to discuss on various based on international concern on the agenda of the UN. The committees for the same as follows:




    4.HARRY POTTER (fictional committee)


    MUNS bring students to discuss the different agendas from all over The World. The participation of students in International Press takes place with reports at International News Agencies and photography sessions are also considered by this committee. MUNS also allow people to debate on various stuff linked to International, National, and global platforms and signify a uniting of a multitude of ideas and culture from a variety of educational background under one roof.


    We hope for a favorable response from your end on the accords of sponsorship.


    Looking forward to our association with you.

    Why should you sponsor?

                  Why associate with us?

    1.Association with one of the most prestigious MUN conferences in India.

    2.Excellent and innovative publicity through posters, flexes, banners, online, magazines, Newsletter, etc.

    3.Another opportunity to enhance the image of your company as a supporter of young talents and an ambassador of cultural diversity worldwide.

    4.As an event sponsor, you will have the opportunity to involve the student community and get involved with young and deliberating minds through one of the biggest student conferences.

    5.Give back! Help train the next generation of leaders.

    Our goal is to foster the development of the leaders of tomorrow. As students, we bring enthusing energy, creativity and a zest for achievement. We would be honored if your organization is willing to assist in that mission.



    Meghalaya Model United Nations

    What is the Meghalaya Model United Nations or MMUN all about?

        The Meghalaya Model United Nations, is one of the many MUNs but this MUN is different in its purpose of not just being an educative association but as a youth empowering association. It aims to let each student fight for a cause be it international, national or regional. It lets delegates fight for what they believe in as diplomats.  Our prime motive is to encourage progress and inspire constructive solutions amongst Future Youth of Meghalaya, India and the World as a whole. We promise the best productive debates . We promise that it will be the most cherish able experience of one’s life. We promise that this will be a great exposure for all the people who want to start with their MUNing career or are new to it.

          It is a youth association of today for a better mankind tomorrow. We hope someday you will join us and the world will be as ONE.

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 101-250 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

3 available packages from US$2000 to US$3000


• Co-Host/ Title Sponsor Status. • Advertisement in Delegate Handbook (Colored printing on the cover page and back page). • Name and link on the official Webpages (Facebook and Instagram) with relatively the largest size of all sponsors. • Name and logo in a prominent position and with relatively the largest size on all promotional material viz: Posters Stationary items Flex Banners Flyers Delegate Kit, including handbook • Posters and Publicity in the venue. ON DAY PUBLICITY: • Recognition during Opening and Closing ceremony. • 4 Banners will be displayed in different places at the venue. • Brochure / Pamphlet distribution during registration. • Name and logo on all promotional material. • Pamphlets distributed to the delegates.

10 available


• Co-Host/ Title Sponsor Status. • Advertisement in Delegate Handbook ( Colored printing on the cover page ). • Name and link on the official Webpages (Facebook and Instagram). • Name and logo in a prominent position on all promotional material viz: Posters. Flyers. Delegate Kit, including handbook. ON DAY PUBLICITY: • Recognition during Opening and Closing ceremony. • 2 Banners will be displayed in different places at the venue. • Brochure / Pamphlet distribution during registration.

10 available


• Co-Host/ Title Sponsor Status. • Advertisement in Delegate Handbook ( black and white printing on the cover page). • Name and link on the official Webpages (Facebook and Instagram). • Name and logo on all promotional material viz: Flyers Delegate Kit, including handbook ON DAY PUBLICITY: • Recognition during Opening and Closing ceremony. • Brochure / Pamphlet distribution during registration.

10 available

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