MEDLIFE-UNG is a humanitarian-based organization that provides basic healthcare, education, and infrastructure to communities across Latin America and Africa. The purpose of creating MEDLIFE-UNG is to offer students an opportunity to serve others through their studies, passions, and visions at a decreased cost. A member will be able to participate in various fundraising activities, large and small-scale, in order to collect funds. Aside from benefiting Medlife, these funds will go toward group trips in which students will be able to work along side local physicians, educators, and on-site developers in bringing hope to these communities.
Please help MEDLIFE-UNG travel to Lima, Peru this summer in order to work alongside healthcare professionals in order to provide healthcare to those in need.
4 available packages from US$100 to US$3000 on Social Media Shout Out Featured in UNG’S weekly newsletter Sponsored on T-Shirt Featured at any charity event Featured on Medlife National’s Website
1 available
Featured on Social Media Shout Out
1 available
Featured on Social Media Shout Out Sponsored on T-shirt Featured at any charity event
1 available
1 available