Sat, Oct 19 - Mon, Oct 28 2019

Masters Indoor Cricket World Cup - Women's Over 30's,

Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

  • About the event

    This year in Cape Town South Africa, the Indoor Cricket World Cup for Masters Over 30's will be held. The NZ Women are past World Champs and are taking on South Africa, Australia and England to regain their title, but need support to make this happen.

    NZ Indoor Cricket is a non-funded sport and we struggle every year to raise the funds required to travel to represent our country. It is fast and furious with many thrills and spills throughout a game and is a great spectator sport.



    Why should you sponsor?

    This is a great opportunity for a company wanting to showcase their products or services on the world stage, at a minimal cost, be alighend with World Champion athletes, and to promote thermselves in NZ. Games are live streamed all over the world and social media is a great platform to advertise alongside the NZ Indoor Cricket brand.

    Kim Scott

    My name is Kim and I am a current NZ Womens Indoor Cricket player and World Champion holder 2008. I have played Indoor Cricket for nearly 30 years and love the game. 

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  • 501-1000 attendees expected

    70% Male Attendees

    30% Female Attendees

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1 available packages from US$3000

Indoor Cricket Masters World Cup - NZ Women

Live streaming of games - Limitless audience Sponsor: - Logo on the shirt sleeve of the team playing shirts. - Promotion through social media - Mention at all official functions and speeches. - Spot on the team banner displayed throughout the games and during functions. - Recognition on the Indoor Cricket page of the New Zealand Indoor Sports website. - Will receive a team photograph and playing shirt for further promotion. All sponsors will receive a certificate with their donation detailed (for tax purposes). The team is also happy to give back by running any training sessions or supporting the sponsor at events and functions in NZ.

5 available

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