Sat, Aug 19 2017


Scarborough, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Scarborough, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

  • About the event

    JAGANNATH FESTIVAL is an annual cultural event with an objective to enhance inter cultural connectivity and to promote multicultural understanding, appreciation, harmony and peace by providing a platform for all the communities to come and enjoy in a family friendly environment. 


    Our mission is celebrate and promote South Asian culture and diversity and to develop a greater understanding and appreciation of the multicultural splendour and heritage of India, in all its facets, amount Canadians.


    We bring together people of different cultures by presenting free nutritious and tasty authentic tasty vegetarian food from different regions of India along with workshops that nourish the Body and Mind : on Wellness, Yoga, Meditation, Music, Arts, Dance and Cooking. 

    Why should you sponsor?

    mutli-cultural event with more than 2000-3000 attendees from South Asian, Chinese and West Indian culture.  

    Subha Anand

    We are a group who bring together people of different cultures by presenting free nutritious and tasty authentic tasty vegetarian food from different regions of India along with workshops that nourish the Body and Mind : on Wellness, Yoga, Meditation, Music, Arts, Dance and Cooking. 

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 2501-5000 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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2 available packages from C$100 to C$500


10 available

Food Sponsor

10 available

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