Fri, Jan 18 - Sun, Jan 20 2019

IEEE Bombay Section Congress 2019,

Nashik, Maharashtra, India Nashik, Maharashtra, India

  • About the event

    IEEE BSC 2019 is a 3 day event with an expected audience of 300+ vibrant IEEE active
    members. To strengthen the relation between all Bombay Section IEEE Volunteers &
    Students Members a collaborative and engaging gathering which will motivate them to
    empower, and accelerate every attendees to shine in their respective fields a Section
    Congress is organized.

    Why should you sponsor?

    1.Invites sent to over 200 colleges across 4 states of India.

    2. 3 day long affair with Technical, Social, Humanitarian, Entrepreneurial, Cultural Events / Seminars / Workshops / Key Note Talks / Panel Discussions.

    3.Wide reach on our Facebook Page as well as support from various IEEE Facebook pages and groups of various regions.

    4. Host College Sandip Institute of Technology and Research Centre SITRC is one of the top Engineering college in Nashik which is approved by AICTE.

    IEEE Bombay Section Congress 2019

    Sandip Institute of Technology and Research Center (SITRC), the top engineering college in Nashik,
    Maharashtra is established in 2008 and is approved by All India Council for Technical Education,
    New Delhi Government of India and affiliated to Savitribai Phule University of Pune.

    IEEE BSC will be a 3 day fully packed event with sessions, seminars, panel discussions,
    networking sessions and much more that will give the participants the exposure they need
    for the development of the personality and their skill set of leadership and technical skill set,
    also obtain lot of learning from experts and peers through exciting fun filled activities,
    discussions and interactive session.

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 251-500 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

3 available packages from US$100 to US$5000

Food Sponsor

10 available

Gold Package

Association Tag: **IEEE Bombay Section In Association With Title Sponsor presents IEEE Bombay Section Congress 2019** • Exclusive Rights: No similar company offering similar product/ services will be allowed to be a sponsor or participate in any way during the event. • Website Link: There shall be an HTML link to Title Sponsor’s website through the “IEEE Bombay Section Congress 2019” website. • Advertisement on Social Media: Advertisement space through all forms of social media like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Snapchat (An entire write up). All posters shall carry the logo of Title Sponsor. • Advertisement in Congress Report: Two page long report about the title sponsor will be mentioned in the Congress Report. • Logo Presence on Official Website: The Logo of Title Sponsor will be present on the IEEE Bombay Section Congress 2019 Official Website Homepage.

10 available

Silver Package

13 • Association Tag: **IEEE Bombay Section Congress 2019, co-sponsored by ’Co-Sponsor’** • Exclusive Rights: CO-SPONSOR holds the exclusive rights for being the co-sponsor for IEEE Bombay Section Congress 2019. No similar company offering similar product/services will be allowed to be a sponsor or participate in any way during the event. • Website Link: There shall be an HTML link to Co-Sponsor’s website through the “IEEE Bombay Section Congress 2019” website. • Advertisement on Social Media: Advertisement space through all forms of social media like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Snapchat • Advertisement in Congress Report: One page long report about the title sponsor will be mentioned in the Congress Report.

10 available

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