Sat, Aug 08 - Sun, Aug 09 2015

HOLI ONE Festival,

London, United Kingdom London, United Kingdom

  • About the event

    HOLI ONE Festival - London

    HOLI ONE Festival is a two day festival of colour and dancing. The event is inspired by the Hindu Holi festival and involves the throwing of non-toxic, environmentally friendly powder paint in the air to celebrate diversity and equality.

    Uniting people through music, colour and artistic performances, coloured powder is distributed among participants on the hour, every hour creating a mass of colour, unity and happiness. HOLI ONE is a global festival that takes place cross 4 countries in 30 cities with all participants dressed in white to enhance the vibrant colours. 

    Targeting an audience of 18-30 year olds, the festival is themed with décor and entertainment, from traditional face and body painting, yoga, chill-out areas, belly dancers amongst other artists performances and visuals to complete the atmosphere.

    Marketing activity for the HOLI ONE tour consists of an extensive multi-channel advertising campaignThe campaign is used both online and offline media to allow maximum UK-wide awareness. This consisted of regional print, radio, TV, outdoor billboard sites, bus and transportation advertising, online, social media and digital PPC ads campaigns. 

    The exposure gained from this advertising is complimented by simultaneous PR coverage as part of an integrated communications strategy.

    With affordable ticket pricing, HOLI ONE is an event not to be missed!

    Why should you sponsor?

  • 10000+ attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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