Fri, Jun 24 - Sun, Jun 26 2016

HCL Luxury Charity Hockey Tournament,

Cessange, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, Luxembourg Cessange, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
7 Sponsors Confirmed
Park Inn by Radisson
Kortekaas Law

  • About the event

    In one word, Charity. This entire event/ tournament is about donating all proceeds to Kriibskrank Kanner (www.fondatioun.lu/) and the ALAEC Fondation (www.alaec.lu/).

    We are now in our sixth year of the tournament, each year with an individual theme, to bring players, family, friends, sponsors together for a great weekend of sport and fun.

    This year we will have a full weekend of programs with a welcome party on Friday the 24th of June, the tournament and saturday night fancy dress party (25th of June) and a wind down Barbecue on Sunday. With over 150 players already confirmed for this year and 10 international teams we are aiming to meet or break our last years donation of €5,000 to each charity.

    All of this will also be celebrating our new international pitch in cessange, the only one in the country, while also being tied to our national hockey day the following weekend with the minister of sport and national representatives present during both weekends.


    Why should you sponsor?

    So how does a sponsor help with this?.

    We as a community and national club, put in place the foundations and structure to run the tournament, but it comes with expenses. We level out all the income from team subscriptions to cover the running of the tournament, so all donations are in effect a donation to the charities and give great coverage in the media (facebook, National Radio (Ara, RTL), National Press (Wort, Tageblatt) and TV reporting (RTL). All our main sponsors are also included on all flyers as well as website sponsor placement (Prime - main), along with printed logo on all merchandise (Silver/Gold) which is given to all the national teams as part of the sign up. This merchandise is then worn throughout the year at multiple hockey/ sporting events by national/international players providing an ever expanding brand opportunity.

    Press coverage eg:




    Our sponsorship packages range from direct cash sponsorship (€300-€5000), in kind services or even help on the weekend and look forward to hearing from any interested party.

    Though if you have an off the wall idea, we are all ears. We have even had a song written for us, inspired by one of the visitors hearing about the charities work. All proceeds from the song were directly donated to the Kriibskrank kanner charity. Thank you Ged!





    Hockey Club Luxembourg Sarl

    Hockey Club Luxembourg is a friendly club founded in 1976, offering fitness and fun to players of all levels and all ages. We run a healthy Junior section and a competitive yet good spirited Corporate League, with members from all nationalities. In addition to the sport, HCL also provides a "social function" within the Luxembourg community bringing people together from all kinds of back ground.

    We have an active "social committee", organising events throughout the year, including hosting an annual Luxury Tournament in Luxembourg which invites teams from all over Europe to participate all in the name of charity. All monies raised during the weekend, kind sponsorships to help us facilitate the tournament and direct donations are made to charity each year.

    We are now in our 6th year of the tournament and have over 150 players from all over europe coming again for our "Musical" themed tour this June.



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  • 101-250 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

3 available packages from 300€ to 3000€

Bronze Package

Our base package will include your logo on all our printed materials, flyers & Hockey club website, as well as being mentioned in all radio interviews and written coverage

10 available

Silver Package

On top of the bronze package including media coverage (written/ Radio), website and flyers, we will also print your logo on all the players merchandise given to the teams during the event. This merchandise is used by the national & international players throughout the EU at other events and still 5 years on from our first event, you can still see our first Hoodies, jackets, T-shirts and bags being used and still looking great! We can print in colour or a single colour depending on your preference and can even break out your logo for certain positioning to stand you out against our other kind sponsors

10 available

Gold Package

Our main sponsor package means that you will be our title sponsor for the weekend, with prime placement of your logo on our webpage (Top) and all printed materials, including the merchandise for the weekend. The logo will be 2 x larger than any other sponsor and located in the most visible area of all the goods. We will also have the merchandise with your logo on display during all photo & TV reporting as well as printed press thank you directly to you and your company. You will also be automatically included as a "Hockey Club Luxembourg Sponsor" with your Logo displayed beside our new international Hockey pitch at Stade Boy Konen in Cessange!. We are limiting this to 3 main Sponsors for 2016.

3 available

Confirmed Sponsors

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