Sat, Jan 27 - Sun, Jan 28 2018

Hack 36,

Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India

  • About the event

    Hack 36 of MNNIT Allahabad, India will be a congregation of the best developers of India, striving to solve society's problems through their intellect and creativity with code. In this 36 hours of codefest, products will be developed that can change the face of technology. With applications pouring in from all parts of India, only the best student developers of India will have a chance to build a product of their choice of track, but provided they solve some problem of society with their code.

    For details, contact Priyajit at hackathon at mnnit.ac.in or +91-9838236499

    Why should you sponsor?

    Hack 36 is a student organized hackathon, so we need finances. A sponsor not only gains the advantage of promoting themselves in a national event like Hack 36, they also help the best developers of India build solutions that benefit the whole society. Together, with this parnership, we can move forward in technology for collective betterment of us all.

    Sponsor us, and along with the advantages mentioned, you get direct access to the top talent pool of India's developers. Hire them or build a product out of their amazing intellect, all as you wish :)

    Kumar Priyajit

    I am a student co-ordinator of Hack 36. It is completely organised by students, but under the aegis of Computer Science Department, MNNIT Allahabad. We look forward in helping the best student developers in our country to prove their worth in stress events like Hackathon. 

    There has been an increasing trend for product development among the students at MNNIT with the proliferation of web and smart-phone industry. The already brewing interest was further augmented by the announcement of Make In India programme by the Government of India.

    MNNIT is also known for engaging its students to solve real problems of the Government and corporate through web and mobile app based software systems. Student developers from MNNIT have also won laurels in development events and other hackathons across the country.

    All money spent on the hackathon will be accounted for, at the end of the event. An independent audit team of MNNIT looks after that at the end of the event. Also, all promotions will be done in social media and mainstream media, and a every promotion will be accounted for to the sponsors.

    Students need to partner with industry, and together we can create wonders!! 

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  • 101-250 attendees expected

    45% Male Attendees

    55% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

3 available packages from US$800 to US$2400

GIGA Sponsor

1) Brand Promotion on website and social media platforms 2) Display Board in College 3) Can conduct a workshop/webinar of 20 minutes. 4) Promotion through swags provided

2 available

TERA Sponsor

1) Brand Promotion on website and social media platforms 2) Display Board in College 3) Can conduct a workshop/webinar of 30 minutes. 4) Logo on event merchandise. 5) Media Promotion 6) Mentorship 7) Distribution of goodies among all

1 available

TITLE Sponsor

1) Brand Promotion on website and social media platforms 2) Display Board in all participating colleges 3) Can conduct a workshop/webinar of 45 minutes. 4) Logo on all event merchandise 5) Media Promotion (Social, Mainstream) 6) Mentorship to any participating team 7) Keynote address at the start of the event 8) Distribution of goodies among all

1 available

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