Sat, Nov 19 2022

Go Get Her Conference,

Dallas, Texas, United States Dallas, Texas, United States
One Sponsor Confirmed

  • About the event

    Imagine living FULLY in your true inheritance and identity as a daughter of God!!

    Why should you sponsor?

    Go Get Her Con is for women of all stages of life! Boss Babes, Single, Married, Divorced, Widowed, Stay at Home Moms, 9-5 Business Women, and the list goes on! This is an event that women will be encouraged and equipped to be their Best! 

    Stacey Johnson

    I am Stacey Johnson, Licensed Professional Counselor, Speaker, Podcaster, Wife and Mother of 8 commited to equipping women to Live The Full Experience of their identity and inheritance as a Daughter of God.

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 101-250 attendees expected

    9% Male Attendees

    91% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

1 available packages from US$500

Sapphire Sponsor Package

Sapphire Level Sponsor Package Includes - 1 VIP Ticket to Go Get Her Conference - Swag Bag Sponsored Gift - Representation in emails, website and conference Powerbook

5 available

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