Since its inception in 2003, FUZE Bristol has evolved into one of the biggest and most successful events in the Bristol student calendar. Run solely by students from both Bristol University and the University of West England, we create the opportunity to showcase an incredible array of talents across dance, music and fashion.
The event begins with our renowned Marketplace event, where we facilitate product placement and promotion of Business ranging from National corporations to local Bristol and student businesses. The audience can take full advantage of what our incredible vendors have to offer, as well as buy food and drink from our street market section. After the last show, audience members will then be able to attend the FUZE afterparty.
All of the proceeds of the event go to a Bristol charity of choice, chosen democratically by all the students involved. FUZE has raised over £120,000 over the past 14 years for a variety of causes around Bristol, ranging from rehabilitation facilities to helping victims of sexual assault.
The scale and prestige of FUZE offers a unique opportunity for students to perform at a professional level, whilst allowing many of those behind the scenes to produce their first large-scale event.
FUZE prides itself on the delivery of an exceptional standard of talent, professional production value, and a diverse audience.
FUZE has sold out consistently in the past few years and the prestige of the event garners widespread attention of the broader student bodies. As a result, we believe we represent one of the best opportunities to achieve mass exposure for potential consumers and graduate employers. Sponsorship is vital for us to facilitate the show and over the past few years we have been kindly supported by firms such as EY, and KPMG alongside brands such as King of Shaves, Coca Cola, Propercorn and Red Bull.
We have an unparalleled level of student exposure across our social media platforms. We have strong working relationships with all of Bristol University’s largest media outlets, including Bristol’s Burst Radio and UBTV. FUZE has also been covered by national news outlets such as Tatler and we have editors on our committee of The Tab and Epigram, Bristol two largest student news outlets. In 2017 we distributed over 50,000 printed materials featuring information about our sponsors and their logos.
Second Step is a leading mental health charity that’s been putting mental health first for people in Bristol and the South West for over 30 years. They believe that with the right support, everyone can take control of their life and make their future their own.
The money raised by FUZE 2020 will help Second Step in their mission to promote mental health and wellbeing by supporting people and communities to build brighter futures. Working hand-in-hand with the NHS and local authorities, we offer practical help and emotional support tailored to each individual and their recovery.
My name is Kate Devine and I am in the Sponsorship Director for FUZE. We ask that you please consider making a donation that would contribute to the sponsorship of our event. In appreciation of your donation we are happy to hear what your conditions would be, we unconditionally offer advertisement and promotion of your brand through all our marketing and social media platforms as well as during the events themselves.
Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer3 available packages from £200 to £2500● Logo recognition on selected promotional material (online and offline). ● Option to hold 1 joint FUZE/[sponsor] fundraiser or product promotional event. ● Dedicated section in event programme. ● Complimentary VIP tickets with reserved seating
10 available
● Logo recognition on selected promotional material (online and offline). ● Option to hold 1 joint FUZE/[sponsor] fundraiser or product promotional event. ● Dedicated single page promotion in event programme. ● Stall in our Marketplace event. ● Distribution of products or promotional materials around Bristol University.
10 available
● Logo recognition on all promotional material (online and offline). ● All releases on national and regional news outlets to be supported by sponsor’s brand. ● Dedicated double page promotion in event programme. ● Largest stall in our Marketplace event for promotion. ● Distribution of products or promotional materials around Bristol University. ● Creation of a FUZE/[sponsor] promotional video. ● Complimentary VIP tickets with reserved seating.
10 available