Fri, Aug 25 - Sat, Aug 26 2017

Fresh Fest Music Festival,

Des Moines, Iowa, United States Des Moines, Iowa, United States

  • About the event

    Fresh Fest is a celebration of culture, diversity, and inclusion through hip hop.

    • Culture: Many cultures are celebrated through hip hop including the 4 elements. Rap, B-boy dancing, DJ, and Graffiti each element brings its own culture and its own feeling but all 4 have the same positive aspect which is bringing people together
    • •Diversity: Hip hop is enjoyed by all backgrounds, races, age groups, and genders. No one is ever left out!
    • •Inclusion:  Fresh Fest welcomes everyone! Here you will experience more than the typical heavy bass; you can experience a nice guitar solo or a beautiful classic flute melody when listening to some of our hip hop artists. Every artist brings their own sound or own experience to their music; making it relatable to a lot of individuals.

    Why should you sponsor?

    •You have the opportunity to be a part of providing an amazing experience for the families and local businesses of our community. Fresh Fest is one of a kind and cannot be easily duplicated in a city like ours. We bring a unique crowd, a mix of different backgrounds and age groups all celebrating local & national performing artists. You would be giving back to the community. 

    Brittan Ashworth

    Media Fresh is an independent record label who is focused on helping local artisit in our community acheive their goals. We figured the best way to assist with that is by inviting the community to a party showcasing local artist called Fresh Fest. Media Fresh is ran by 4 individuals who love music as well as their community. We love partnering with business and individuals who have a bright outlook for the amazing city/community we live in.

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 1001-2500 attendees expected

    54% Male Attendees

    46% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

3 available packages from US$500 to US$5000

Sponsor Package #1

3rd placement on all promotional material Recognition in newspaper, radio spots and at events by emcee Logo and link on sponsors page of website FREE 15 second commercial on video displays at event Your 2 x 2 banner posted outside the event for exposure Your 3 x 9 banner posted in front of the stage before & after outdoor event Name on 2017 Fresh Fest Tee Shirt with 4 free for you 5 free tickets to the event

10 available

Sponsor Package #2

4th placement on all promotional material Recognition in newspaper and radio spots Logo and link on sponsors page of website Your 2 x 2 banner posted outside the event for exposure Name on 2017 Fresh Fest Tee Shirt with 2 free for you 3 free tickets to the event

10 available

Sponsor Package #3

5th the smaller font size on all promotional material Recognition in newspaper and radio spots. Logo and link on sponsors page of website Name on 2017 Fresh Fest Tee Shirt with 2 free for you 3 free tickets to the event

10 available

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