Firefly Art Festival was created to bring much needed pop of creativity and life to our area. A desire to gather all creative minds and shine a light on our amazing local artist. All vendors must be unique in their craft , nothing can be from market just to retailed. It must of first been dreamt of then created. There are so many in our area that havent been discovered that have such unique artisitic ability and gifts. From silversmith, glass art, painters, bone art, wood carvers and so much more. Even the live entertainers are from the area and the outdoor venue itself is unique and unexpected. I want to bring this creative side to the forfront to inspire more people to let their uniquness and beautiful light shine. My goal is to also inspire our local youth to stay creative and freeminded and to follow their hearts and dreams. Not everyone is meant to be a lawyer or doctor and the youth needs to know we see them and love their uniquenes and support them in dreaming big, My dream is that this event grows bigger and more speacial every year. I am also looking into creating some sort of art schollarship for our local youth.
The correct sponsor will resonate with our vison and see the importance of events like these that want to bring much needed color in a wordl that is getting entirely too black and white. They will want to be a part of this inspiration and would be proud to stand beside us as we try to send out a message of unity and love and to tap back into our authentic unique selves. Our goal is to only inspire and to celebrate life. When supporting Firefly Art Festival they can be assured that they stand behind people of integrity and can be proud to know they played a pivital part in helping us launch our dreams of bringing fun, diversity, culture and art back into smaller communities. Letting people be aware of all the amazing oppurtunities that life has to offer even if you're just a smalltown kid or kid at heart :)
My name is Kasey Davis, I am a wife and mother in rural Oklahoma between OKC and Dallas Texas. I am a humble being that appreciates all walks of life and all things unique & creative. Nothing makes my heart happier than seeing people get to live their dreams while staying uniquely and authentically their true selves. This festival alone has been life altering to my life and myself and important in my own journey. It started with an idea and helped me blossom from being a self-conscious to self-confident. I am a hard worker and I worked preparing for this festival like a full-time job with no budget or contacts and it grew so beautifully. The universe was definitely on my side in helping me orchestrate this festival. Living by example only and the community seeing how hard we worked on every detail big or small, we had people come out of the wood work and volunteer to help paint signs and help with parking etc. It was so touching. I have had people reach out to me telling me how I have inspired them to paint again or to step out in faith and follow their dreams. It has been so moving. I’m a bit of an introvert but very passionate and stubborn. LOL I work extremely hard and do my best to keep ego out of it. I do what I say and say what I do, and I give you my word that your company will be treated with the upmost respect and integrity if you chose to sponsor our festival. I want others to see the message in the fact of “if a simple country girl can make an epic event like this happen then the sky is the limit to all who chose to follow their passion and heart!”
Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer1 available packages from US$1000 deadline is May 31st All advertising will be from June through our Event in October. so 4 months of advertising. 1. Announce sponsors (through press release, social media, video, etc.). 2. Create a sponsor board graphic image which includes sponsor logos and can be shared in social media, through email, and as a graphic in our event promotions 3. Include sponsor recognition on project/event promotional materials such as flyers and T-Shirts 4. Include sponsor logos on artistic custom painted sign at event.
1 available