Sat, Nov 30 2019

Fight Night - Movember,

Southampton, England, United Kingdom Southampton, England, United Kingdom

  • About the event

    Southampton RAG is the lead fundraising organisation at the University of Southampton. Each year we run the Movember campaign campus-wide, with many students participating. This year, to celebrate the end of Movember and raise as much money as possibe for male mental health, we are organising a white-collar boxing Fight Night on the 30th of November.


    Why should you sponsor?

    This type of event has been in demand at Southampton for a long time following its success at other universities, so we know it is going to be very popular amongst students. Southampton students rarely get a chance to go to a formal event in which they can dress up, so we know there will be a large turnout. 

    Unfortunately as we are a charitable organisation, we cannot afford to cover all of the initial event costs and would love to strike up a partnership with an organisation to help us promote them, whilst also being able to get our event off the ground! Movember is very important at our university, especially as students continue to support one another regarding mental health. This is a wonderful opportunity for a sponsor to show their commitment towards ending the stigma surounding mental health, whilst also introducing themselves to a student audience. 

    Siobhan La Roche - Seeley

    I am Siobhan La Roche - Seeley and I am currently the President of RAG (Raise and Give) alongside my studies as an undergraduate in BA Geography. I have been involved in charitable work for many years, and have been on RAG committee for 2 years. I have a lot of experience in events organisation and management and I'm very excited to launch this brand new event in Southampton! 

    I continue to be immensely proud of the work we do at RAG and we have recently announced our 2018/19 total of over £235,000 going to various charities. Unfortunately we receive very little funding and would love some help so we can continue to raise such money for great causes. 

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  • 501-1000 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

2 available packages from £75 to £300

Logo on Flyer

We shall be using our Facebook page which currently has over 3000 followers to promote the event via posters. We shall also be distributing physical flyers during fresher events and around student accommodations. As a result, the number of students that will be reached is within the thousands.

5 available

On Stage Promotion at Event

This event shall be taking place in one of the biggest venues in Southampton, in front of a large amount of students, including Freshers. We shall include your logo on the screens in the venue and thank your organisation during a speech, the details of which can be agreed. We would also welcome a representative from your brand to come to the event so we can thank you on stage. This is an excellent opportunity to increase outreach to both new and existing students, whilst also helping to raise money for excellent causes.

5 available

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