Sat, Sep 20 - Sun, Sep 21 2014

Fencing World Cup Épée Junior Men,

Luxemburg City, Luxembourg, Luxembourg Luxemburg City, Luxembourg, Luxembourg

  • About the event

    It's the first time we, as a fencing society, get the chance to organize a World Cup for men fencers from the age of 17 to 21. Those are coming from all around the world, representing their country. They are also the futur of fencing and some of them may be the next olympic champions.
    As most of us know, organizing an event, which will host at least 100 athletes is not just finding the place to hold the competition, but you also need to find accommodations for fencers, coaches and referees. Shuttles have to be planed from the airport to the hotels and so on. This isn't inexpensive, which is the reason for us to kindly ask people to sponsor our event.
    For all sponsor a banner will be hang in the entrance of the competition venue and near the podium.
    We still are not sure about the place where the competition will be, but normally it is going to be at 'D'Coque' and when not there, it will be at the national fencing hall at the Limpertsberg, in Luxembourg City.

    Best regards,
    for Cercle Escrime Sud's Committee,
    Anastasia Ramazzotti

    Why should you sponsor?

  • 101-250 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

Contact the Organizer

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Select a Package

11 available packages from 200€ to 3200€

Main Sponsor A

-Pour la société qui désire donner son nom au tournoi
-Publicité sur le survêtement de nos tireurs
- Calicot dans la salle d’armes lors de notre tournoi, à fournir par vos soins
- Publicité DIN A4 portrait (1 page entière) dans notre journal «En Garde» (excepté 2è et dernière page)*
- Bannière de publicité sur notre site Internet www.escrimesud.lu pendant une saison complète
- Parrainage d’un trophée principal du tournoi international
- Mention sur toutes nos correspondances (lettres, publicités, posters etc.)

10 available

Main Sponsor B

Publicité sur le survêtement de nos tireurs
- Calicot dans la salle d’armes lors de notre tournoi, à fournir par vos soins
- Publicité DIN A4 portrait (1 page entière) dans notre journal «En Garde» (excepté 2è et dernière page)*
- Bannière de publicité sur notre site Internet www.escrimesud.lu pendant une saison complète
- Parrainage d’un trophée principal du tournoi international
- Mention sur toutes nos correspondances (lettres, publicités,posters etc.)

1 available

Season Sponsor C

Calicot dans la salle d’armes lors de notre tournoi, à fournir par vos ssoins
- Publicité DIN A5 paysage (1/2 page A4) dans notre journal «En Garde»*
- Bouton de publicité sur notre site Internet www.escrimesud.lu pendant une saison complète

1 available

Season Sponsor D

- Calicot dans la salle d’armes lors de notre tournoi, à fournir par vos soins
- Publicité DIN A6 portrait (1/4 page A4) dans notre journal «En Garde»*
- Bouton de publicité sur notre site Internet www.escrimesud.lu pendant une saison complète

1 available


This formula of sponsoring is always included in the sponsoring packages

1 available

Logo on our homepage

Included in package A - D:
even for the smallest sponsoring we put the logo as well as the company's address on our homepage www.escrimesud.lu

1 available

free newspaper 'En Garde'

included in package D:
we print the company's logo or advertisement in an A6 size (1/4 A4) in our free newspaper 'En Garde', which is handed out in the south of Luxembourg

1000 available

free newspaper 'En Garde'

included in package C:
we print the company's logo or advertisement in an A5 size (1/2 A4) in our free newspaper 'En Garde', which is handed out in the south of Luxembourg

1000 available

Free newspaper 'En Garde'

included in packages A +B:
we print the company's logo or advertisement in an A4 size in our free newspaper 'En Garde', which is handed out in the south of Luxembourg

1000 available


Included in package A:
the company's logo is printed on the event's poster

1000 available

Training Suit

included in packages A + B:
the company's logo is printed on the fencer's training suit an t-shirts

1000 available

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