Sat, Jun 05 - Sun, Jun 06 2021

Face painting competition,

Delhi, Delhi, India Delhi, Delhi, India

  • About the event

    Rotaract club of DPSRU is organizing a carnival and face painting competition is one of the event. It will be an international level event and will be on online platform. It will be judged by a famous influencer Ms isha khanna

    Why should you sponsor?

    Our event is to light up the mood of people and get some distraction from the pandemic here in India

    Riya Bisht

    I am a member of rotaract club of DPSRU. It's my first ever event  and i wish to make this great. Sponsorship can help me achieve that

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 1-50 attendees expected

    13% Male Attendees

    87% Female Attendees

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1 available packages from In Kind

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Gold Package

Makeup Or skincare products

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