During September 2020 the Elite Performance Team will travel to the UK to showcase their football skills to elite academy and coaches. The team will play games against some of the UK's top football academies and train with top academy coaches. The players will participate in tours of the history and todays football including stadium tours & footbal museums.
EURO FOOTBALL STAR (EFS) is a company committed to making talent Identification completely fair and objective. This company was founded by a coach who has over 25 years’ experience in the football industry. In his time working within the industry he has worked in world class academies including Paris Saint-Germain F.C and Leicester City F.C. Through these experiences he has come to realize that talent ID is a problem area in Australia. EFS brings the gold standard objective testing and methodology, and through our partnership with Pro Soccer Global we are able to offer an unrivalled experience for all players of Australia by travelling to the UK for top level academy training and games.
Supporting Euro Football Star's Elite Performance players will give them the opportunity to travel internationally and gain life skills that prospective footballers need. It will allow the players to network with clubs and agencies and give them the opportunity to make a name for themseles. The players will also experience the level of football that is performed internationally and they will gain skills and fitness that will benefit their futures in football.
This is a fantastic opportunity of exposure for your company. I will advertise a show strong community support for junior sport in QLD/VIC.
Supporting active young australians who have goals to reach professional status in football.
My name is Tarlie and I am the fundraising consultant for Euro Football Star (EFS).
I am also one of the proud parents whos son has been selected to participate in the Elite Performance Team. My son traveled with EFS in 2019 and gained the most amazing experience. He was noticed of his talent and passion for the game of football and invited to return for the 2020 team.
Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer3 available packages from A$7950 to A$70000
https://www.sponsormyevent.com/euro-football-star---2020-tour-undefined- Company Logo on Euro Football Star main partner page of website: (Bottom of page) this includes direct web link back to your own website address for 12 months (January-December 2020). - Inclusion on the sponsors page – Larger icon again with direct link back to your chosen web link. - 3 x Social media mentions across our 2 x platforms (Facebook and Instagram) that you are sponsoring one of our chosen players. 1 x pre trip and 1 x during the trip and finally 1 x post trip.
10 available
· Company logo will be advertised on the front or back of the whole teams travelling polos and playing jerseys ·Company logo will be advertised on EFS website for 12 months with direct link back to your own website via partners page. · Multiple social media posts via EFS Instagram/Twitter/Facebook of your support for the junior sports. · 3 x mail outs within 12 months of an advertisement of your choosing (pre-approval for email advert required) with our subscribed recipients. EFS holds a strong and active 7,000+ email database for QLD/VIC.
2 available
Package inclusions negotiable: · Company will be identified as Major Sponsor for team · Company Name will identify Elite Performance team · Company logo will be advertised on the front or back of the whole teams travelling polos and playing jerseys ·Company logo will be advertised on EFS website · Multiple social media posts via EFS Instagram/Twitter/Facebook of your support for the junior sports. · 3 x mail outs within 12 months of an advertisement of your choosing (pre-approval for email advert required) with our subscribed recipients. EFS holds a strong and active 7,000+ email database for QLD/VIC.
1 available