EMC 2022 is where business owners and entrepreneurs can come to learn the digital marketing skills your business needs to scale online, stand out from the crowd and skyrocket your profits…. from The ACTUAL Experts!
This is a ZERO selling from stage event. Pure content! inplementable strategies from marketers.
Think Traffic and Conversion Summit but in the UK
If you are a business who's ideal clientel are business owners and entrepreneurs then this is the place to be. They are here to learn strategies to help them grow their businesses. If what you offer can help them then you will get a big return.
We are mainly looking for companies and softwares that assists in business marketing efforts
- CRM's - Funnel Software - hosting platforms - agencies - Disign - Social media services - marketing planning software - VA/PA services - Marketing training -
This is a pay to attend event with the average ticket price at £450. the audience is of high calibre and are looking for your help
Hello. Im Craig Wilson. I am heading up the Event development here at Einstei Marketer.
We are the UK's leading source for marketing education
We run EMC once a year. This will be our 3rd time running and our biggest and best yet.
We hope you can be apart of it
Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer2 available packages from £10000 to £20000
https://www.sponsormyevent.com/entrepreneurs-marketing-conference-emc-2022-undefinedExhibition stand (3 days)/ 1000 in audience / shoutout and links on website/ 1 page promo in event program/
9 available
Prime location exhibition stand (3 days)/ 1000 people in audience/ Double size stand layout/ named sponsor of a day giveaway from stage/ 2 page spread in event program/ Shout out and links on website/ logo on event promotion
2 available