Sat, Aug 11 2018

Edmonds-Woodway 10 Year High School Reunion,

Seattle, Washington, United States Seattle, Washington, United States

  • About the event

    The Edmonds-Woodway class of 2008 is having their 10-year reunion. The attendees are all around the age of 28, many of whom live in the Seattle area and others are travelling from out of town and will be visiting for the weekend.



    Why should you sponsor?

    Since this is our first reunion, we want to make sure it goes off with a bang to set a great tone for the reunions to come.

    For sponsors, this is a great opportunity to get your name out there and help support a great event with a group of people who are entering a new stage of their lives -- some are new homeowners, some have young children, while others aren't quite there yet but will likely be soon.

    There are three of us organizing the event; any donations collected from sponsors would be used to cover the event cost and any additional donations will be put into our class' reunion bank account for use at future events. 

    We are open to alternative forms of exposure. Please contact us if you'd like something unique.

    Edmonds Woodway

    We are Lexie, Kaitlyn and Kelsey, three members of our Student Council who volunteered to plan our high school reunion.

    Growing up, our parents would always attend their reunions and would always talk about how much fun they were -- one of our parents even met each other at their reunion! So, needless to say, we were very excited to have the opportunity to facilitate such an exciting event.

    It's been a lot of work and we're nearly done with the planning but are looking for some extra help to help us get to where we need to be.

    We have set up a business account for the class reunion fund and are currently funding all aspects of the reunion out of pocket. Any donations that exceed the costs of the event will be added to that bank account for use at our next reunion.

    The biggest challenges we've had with planning this is finding the time to do it while balancing our full time jobs, and coming up with the money to fund it. If we were able to relieve some of this pressure, it would make for an even greater event experience on our end.

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 101-250 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

2 available packages from US$100 to US$500


Your logo on our Facebook Event Page, your logo included on our sponsor poster at the event, and your company mentioned during the peak hours of the event as a special thank you to our sponsors.

10 available


Everything the $100 donation gets you plus a full write up on our Facebook Page, a separate poster at the event and a special separate shout out at the event. If multiple $500 donations are purchased, we can discuss adding more signage around the event and possibly adding you to our drink tickets.

10 available

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