Sat, Mar 17 2018

Dr. Stephen Chu: Implants into Extraction Sockets,

Embassy Suites Raleigh - Durham Airport/Brier, Raleigh, North Carolina, United States Embassy Suites Raleigh - Durham Airport/Brier, Raleigh, North Carolina, United States

  • About the event

    Dr. Stephen J. Chu, DMD, MSD, CDT 

    Periodontal, Restorative, and Esthetic Management of Implants Placed into Extraction Sockets


    Implant dentistry is continuously evolving offering new and more predictable forms of therapy with minimally invasive protocols. Innovative techniques now allow for better esthetics, decreased treatment times, and greater patient comfort.  However, these new techniques and therapies continue to raise questions and concerns regarding the risk and rewards of each.  Specifically, controversial issues regarding immediate extraction socket implant placement in relationship to survival and esthetic outcomes. Immediate provisional restoration of immediate implants placed into anterior sites will be presented.

    This lecture will address current concepts in the treatment of Type 1, 2, and 3 sockets, techniques, clinical research, histologic evidence, and innovations in immediate implant placement and provisional restoration and how they can enhance treatment procedures, time, and clinical outcomes for greater patient comfort, care, and satisfaction.

     Learning Objectives

    After this presentation, the attendee should be able to understand the following concepts associated with immediate implant placement and provisional restoration:

    1. Understand the treatment time and survival rates associate with immediate protocols
    2. The prosthetic and biologic impact on hard tissue buccal contour change and peri-implant soft tissue thickness
    3. Prothodontic innovations in provisional restoration fabrication
    4. Management of implants placed into extraction sockets with dehiscence defects

    Why should you sponsor?

    This event will provide sponsors access to dental specialists and general dentists who have a progressive approach to their practices. Sponsors will include dental implant companies, dental instrument companies, dental supply companies, and financial intuitions servicing dentists and their patients.  

    Michael Onifer

    Carolina Dental Forum was founded by Dr. Jose I. Arauz-Dutari, DMD, PA and is committed to cultivating dental excllence in North Carolina. 

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 101-250 attendees expected

    80% Male Attendees

    20% Female Attendees

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3 available packages from US$1000 to US$5000

Gold Package

On-site Presence, Logo in Emails, Logo in Facebook Event Promotion, Material in Welcome Packets, Logo placed at all meals and breaks

1 available

Silver Package

On-site Presence, Logo in Emails, Logo in Facebook Event Promotion, Material in Welcome Packets

5 available

Bronze Package

Logo in Emails, Logo in Facebook Event Promotion, Material in Welcome Packets.

10 available

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