Fri, Jun 20 - Sat, Jun 21 2025

Dance Dimensions Annual Recitals,

Albany, New York, United States Albany, New York, United States
2 Sponsors Confirmed
Cakes Body
Gils Garage

  • About the event

    This event isour annual recital for all of our dancers.  We have over 250 dancers that bring in over 1500 people to see the shows.  We have sold out of all 3 shows the last 3 years.  I am looking to help our dancers with costs and still put on an amazing event for them and their families.  Any support is greatlt appreciated!!!

    Why should you sponsor?

    I believe a sponsor should support our event because we are providing a place for these kids to do something positive that they love.  Making friendships and having a caring , loving environment to go to with positive role models.    We strive to have a place for everyone!  We are an extrememly diverse studio that allows everyone to dance.  Even in our adaptive dance program.  We were also awarded Albanys BEST dance studio.  We are poroud of that and everything we do to keep a place for young dancers to look forward to going.

    Karen Walco

    My name is Karen Walco and I am the owner of Dance Dimensions in Albany NY.  This is my 26th year of business and I have been honored as Albanys Best dance studio, women of the week and have received numerous awards for our dancers.  I am always striving to be better and provide the best dance studio I can for all dancers.  I am always willing to work with my dance families whether it be in converstaion, or with billing.  As times are difficult for many, I am trying to offer a free event to my families so they do not have to worry about the burdenr of extra costs, like tickets to the event, tshirts, costumes etc.  It does get costly and a smuch as I wish I could offer this all on my own, I am a small business that cannot fund all of that.  So I am looking for sponsors to help my familie out.

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  • 1001-2500 attendees expected

    40% Male Attendees

    60% Female Attendees

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1 available packages from US$1000


Ad in our patrons page, programs, slide show at each show, on a banner, banner hung at our studio on our fence for all traffic to see following the events.

10 available

Confirmed Sponsors

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