Sat, Sep 15 2018

Civic Action Festival,

Coeur d’Alene City Park, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, United States Coeur d’Alene City Park, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, United States

  • About the event


    FREE COMMUNITY CONCERT with Ethereal in E and Rusty & Ginger(also known as Jesse & Sara Brown)

    FOOD TRUCKS and picnic shelter seating available!


    Join us for the 1st ever Civic Action Festival at CDA City Park & Bandshell for an opportunity to meet local candidates, learn about various public-policy issues and connect with community-based organizations that serve the common good at our booth fair. Volunteer teams will be available to register new voters, update registrations and set people up with Vote by Mail.

    At the Bandshell, we are planning a program of live music from local artists and opportunities to hear from local candidates and advocates on bread and butter issues such as education, healthcare, economy, and infrastructure. Food trucks & picnic shelter seating will be available. 

    Why should you sponsor?

    The Civic Engagement Alliance is a grassroots, nonpartisan volunteer association based in Coeur d’Alene, ID that focuses on innovative & accessible voter education & registration services for our community.

    This event is the vision of two young, community organizers to provide a fun, interactive environment for people to get registered to vote and learn about candidates and issues that will be on their ballot.  


    Jessica Mahuron

    My name is Jessica Mahuron, and I am an active member of my community. I recently ran a successful, nonpartisan ballot initiative petition drive campaign in my local area to get Medicaid Expansion on the ballot in Idaho as a volunteer. I also served as an active volunteer and board member at the Leauge of Women Voters.

    I have a passion for voter education, voter registration, and community involvement. This event will allow many organizations and campaigns to provide valuable community outreach. 


    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 251-500 attendees expected

    44% Male Attendees

    56% Female Attendees

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1 available packages from US$50

Sponsorship of Event

Logo advertised in the event guide distributed at and before the event Logo advertised on the event flyer to be distributed widely in our area Business/organization promoted via our social media campaign Mention at the Bandshell programming Local Business/organization can choose to provide promotional materials to be distributed at the event.

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