Fri, Apr 08 - Sat, Apr 09 2022

Cheer Choice Awards,

MGM Grand, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States MGM Grand, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
One Sponsor Confirmed
Soldier Solutions

  • About the event

    The 2022 Cheer Choice Awards honors positive creators on social media who are making a difference in the lives of others across all platforms. It is presented by and benefitting Spread The Cheer USA, a 501c3 helping families in need for the holidays and beyond. All proceeds go to the charity. Held annually at MGM Grand in Las Vegas, NV the show will boast fun hosts, well-known social media presenters and special performances by a variety of guests!

    Why should you sponsor?

    This event benefits Spread The Cheer USA. Spread The Cheer USA is an official 501c3 non-profit organization. 100% of all proceeds go directly to helping families in need throughout the year. As the saying goes "It Takes a Village..." Without the help and generosity of our supporters none of this would be possible. From donations, advertising, volunteer work, delivering gifts, etc.. we can all help make a difference.
    Spread The Cheer USA is different from other non-profits in that there is a personal touch placed on all those we assist by showing up for them in person. Everyone who makes a donation will get to see how their contribution positively impacts the lives of those in need. By supporting the Cheer Choice Awards you are supporting Spread The Cheer USA!

    Danielle Claudio

    My name is Danielle Claudio and I am the Founder and President of Spread The Cheer USA and the Cheer Choice Awards. Spread The Cheer USA began in December 2020 when I wanted to personally help a few families in need for the holidays. I then decided to utilize social media to reach out to see if I could help even more families. The campaign was called SpreadTheCheer2020. Within two weeks, over $12,000 was raised and 20 families across 15 states were surprised in person with much needed assistance and cheer.  Spread The Cheer USA was created shortly after and registered as a 501c3. The board of Spread The Cheer USA has extensive plans to quadruple the amount of families that are assisted each year and around the holidays. 

    Contact the Organizer Contact the Organizer

  • 501-1000 attendees expected

    50% Male Attendees

    50% Female Attendees

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Select a Package

3 available packages from US$1000 to US$5000

Gold Sponsor

Organization and logo on ALL advertising, promotional materials, and Spread The Cheer USA website. 2 VIP tickets to The Cheer Choice Awards FULL Page on the Cheer Choice Awards Program Opportunity to include company literature or giveaways in "swag" bag(s) Opportunity to present an award Potential reach of 100,000,000 on social media

3 available

Silver Sponsor

Organization and logo on ALL advertising, promotional materials, and Spread The Cheer USA website. 1 VIP ticket to the Cheer Choice Awards 1/2 Page on the Cheer Choice Awards Program Opportunity to include company literature or giveaways in "swag" bag(s) Opportunity to present an award Potential reach to 100,000,000 on social media

10 available

Bronze Package

Organization and logo on advertising, promotional materials and Spread The Cheer USA website Organization logo/ QR code in Cheer Choice Award Program Opportunity to include company literature or giveaways in swag bag(s) Potential reach of 100,000,000 on social media

10 available

Confirmed Sponsors

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